Chapter Seventeen :) - Mom

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Stevens POV:
It was hard to be considerate of Y/Ns feelings. I wanted to know everything, but I didn't want to push her too hard. We had the house to ourselves for most of the morning, the gems didn't want to overwhelm her so they just assumed I would fill them in afterwards so they wouldn't have to ask Y/N to repeat herself.

I woke her up a little bit after I woke up, and I made us pancakes. Currently, I was sitting across from her on the couch, thinking about what to ask her first.

"Start from the beginning." Was what I finally decided on.

"When I was about 8 my father finally realized my mom was never coming back. So he took out all his pent up anger on me."

"He hit you?" I asked.

Her eyes widened in fear. "Your pink." I laughed and shook my head, making sure I was back to normal before telling her to continue.

"I wasn't allowed to have friends because my father was afraid they would figure out what happened. I guess he didn't want to move away from the place he lived with my mom. That's why I couldn't be your friend." I nodded before she continued. "But my dad went out of town last week so, I could be your friend while he was gone. But I guess he realized how much he hated me... or he thought my mom would come back if he got rid of me."

"What kind of gem was your mom?" I asked.

She shrugged. "My father never told me. Jasper doesn't know either."

I jumped up. "Let's go ask the diamonds! They know all kinds of gems!"

I asked one of the first gems I saw to ask the diamonds to meet us in the throne room. I showed Y/N around a little bit, then I led her into the giant room.

"Steven! How nice to see you!" White yelled.

"Hey guys... this is Y/N. She's a half gem too." I gestured for Y/N to do something, she just waved. "We were hoping you could tell us who her mom is. We have no idea."

"Another hybrid? I thought Pink was the only gem capable of creating a hybrid." Blue said. "Can you show us your gem tiny hybrid?"

Y/N pulled the collar of her shirt down. The diamonds leaned in, but just stared at it.

"Could we see your weapon?" Yellow suggested.

Y/N held up her hand and summoned the green bow.

"I'm not sure..." Blue said with a frown.

"Ah, I know. Your mother must have been a Apatite. They had bows similar to yours." White said. "Although they are usually blue, not green."

Yellow straightened up. "There was the off color one..." They all looked at each other with guilt in their eyes. "It was many years ago. I think your mother was under Pink. It was the early stages of gem production, and we only wanted the best."

White butted in. "Blue Apatite gems were like the Lapis Lazuli's, but Lapis Lazuli's destroyed worlds, Blue Apatite's built them. They had great parts in building Earth before Pink claimed it as a colony."

Blue spoke this time. "The only Green Apatite's I can think of was the one Pink banished from Homeworld. She didn't have the heart to shatter her. Something along the lines of 'she didn't do anything'. I guess instead she snuck her to Earth."

Y/N looked at me. White spoke up. "I remember she could control the ground instead of water. Rocks, dirt, all those other earthly things."

"Thank you for your help." Y/N said.

I spoke up next. "Yeah, I'll come visit you guys soon!" I waved goodbye to them and we started towards the warp pad home.

"So, how does it feel to know about your mom?" I asked her.

She smiled. "Better."


Sorry for such a short chapter. I'm running out of ideas, and kinda ready to wrap up the book lol. I will write the next chapter either later tonight or tomorrow. Peace.

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