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Yun woke up and rolled over in her bed feeling heavy and tired even though she had just woken up. Sluggishly, Yun stood up and walked to the bathroom to get ready for practice. 

Yun washed her face and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She had gotten good sleep last night yet, she had dark purple bags under her eyes and Yun just felt so tired. Groaning, Yun put on a strong coat of foundation and grabbed her favorite hoodie and left the dorm to join the boys in the group's van. 

Immediately when Yun got into the van she put in her headphones and leaned on Yoongi's shoulder to take a nap. Seeming to agree with her on taking a morning nap, the older rapper leaned his head on Yun's and soon the rap duo was fast asleep, not knowing that Jhope was secretly taking photos of how cute they looked sleeping.

When the boys and Yun got to BigHit, they immediately went to their dance studio to practice the moves for their upcoming comeback. Jungkook was the first to notice the normaly peppy and bright Yun, struggling to stay awake and keep up with the moves. "Are you alright?"asked Jungkook worriedly as Yun huffed and puffed. "M' fine," said Yun not wanting to worry Jungkook and the rest of her boys. "Are you sure?" Jungkook questioned again, "I'm fine, I promise," said Yun and then Jhope called them back over to finish their dance. 

As Yun continued to dance, she began to feel more and more tired. She had never been so thankful when Jhope had finished the dance session. Yun walked over and slumped down on the wall and fell asleep a few minutes later, leaning on the side of a stereo. Namjoon saw her laying there and became quite worried remembering how tired she had looked all day. He walked over and felt her forehead only to rip back his hand startled by her burning forehead. 

Namjoon called the rest of the members over. "Her forehead is practlcly on fire!" said Namjoon, Jin leaned in and felt Yun's forehead too verify if his dongseong was telling the truth. Jin placed his long finger on her forehead expecting a light fever only jerk his hand back just as Namjoon had done. "We need to take Yunnie home!" cried Jimin, "Yeah!" agreed Taehyung, "She needs rest!" Jin nodded "Namjoon-ah, go tell PD-nim we are taking Yunnie home because she is sick." Namjoon nodded. Yoongi looked worried, "Don't worry Hyung," said Jhope, "I'm sure our Yunnie will be fine" Yoongi just nodded and said he was going to get her some banana milk later. Jungkook on the other hand looked angry. 

"What's wrong Kookie?" asked Jimin, "I asked Yun if she was okay twice during our break and she promised she was fine!" said Jungkook pouting, "What if she's really sick because she didn't take a break! That will be my fault for not making her rest!" Jimin smiled at the worried maknae. "Don't worry Jungkookie, this is Yunnie, she will be fine! Jungkook sniffed and nodded. "Jungkook-ah come carry Yunnie to the van!" called Jin. Jungkook nodded and picked up Yun.

After they got home Yun woke up and was pamperd by all of the boys, Jin made her favorite soup for dinner, Yoongi got her some banana milk, Jhope made her laugh, Namjoon read her some books out loud, Jimin ran her a hot bath and let her use one of his colorful bath bombs, Taehyung survived watching some soppy dramas and Jungkook snuggled with Yun all night making sure she was warm and returned her plush to her arms when it fell during the night. 

Together the boys made Yun feel so loved and taken care of, the pain of her sickness.

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