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A/N: I know that the boys all shared one room when they debuted, but for the sake of the story, the boys are just going to have one room each.

"Hi," said Yun, when she walked through the door of the BTS dorms, with a few bags in tow. Namjoon gave her a warm smile and so did Jin, while the other members look at her with a bit of reverence. Jungkook hid behind Yoongi, completely unable to think of what to say to their new member.

"Hi Yun," said Namjoon, walking over and shaking her hand, "I'm Namjoon, and this is Jin," he said pointing to the eldest member. Jin waved.

"Nice to meet you Yun," said Jin with another warm smile. Yun returned his grin and turned to the other boys,

"I'm Yun, It's nice to meet you," said Yun looking at the boys, Yoongi was the first to walk over to Yun. 

"I'm Yoongi, I can show you were your room is," said the rapper, picking up one of Yun's bags and leading her down the hallway to the room the bedroom. 

When Yun and Yoongi were gone Jin turned to the maknae line, 

"At least greet her," said Jin rubbing his face, "Aish, she's a girl not a monster," Jungkook's eyes were wide, giving him his signature bunny look.

"Jungkook get that look off your face," said Namjoon turning around the same as JIn had done, looking at the male maknae, "She's not even a noona!" 

Though Jungkook's fear seemed to have been unaffected by his hyungs words, Jimin and Tae and Hobi seemed to have come around, saying that they would go help Yoongi and Yun unpack. 

Jungkook retired to the couch soon, while Namjoon and Jin began making dinner, or rather Jin made dinner and Namjoon stood back and tried not to break anything. 

Yun and the rest of the members came back into the room a bit later, wear happy faces and chatting loudly. Namjoon smiled, he had hoped the boys would like Yun. 

They boys and Yun continued to chat a bit, Yun even managing to make Jungkook open up a bit by asking if he played Overwatch. Everything was going well and soon the group was seated around the dinner table ready to dig in to the delicious looking food that Jin had prepared.

After they had begun to eat Yun suddenly thought of a question for the boys, 

"You guys are older than me, what do you think I should call you," asked Yun, looking at each of the boys in turn. Namjoon thought for a second, 

"You can call me whatever makes you happy," said Yoongi, taking a bite of his food. The rest of the members looked at him in shock, Yoongi must really like Yun, because he was the biggest stickler for keeping the terms of respect. 

"No," said Yun, "That wouldn't be right, I have to show my respect," she said, Jimin elbowed Jungkook, 

"You would do well to take some of her advice," he said the maknae who answered with a calm, "Okay JImin-sshi," JImin shook his head, "Ya! What a brat!" 

"You know," said Namjoon suddenly, "BigHit told me that we are supposed to downplay you're femininity, so why don't you call us Hyung, like the rest of us call each other?"

Yun nodded, "That's a great idea Hyung," she said with a grin. 

The rest of the boys quickly agreed, espaesialy Jungkook, excited to finally be a hyung, instead of a maknae. 

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