Getting over him

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... what time is it?

Bakugo could barely open his eyes, wincing at how annoyingly bright the room was. It must've been early in the morning, with how much sunlight was already flooding in.

"Where the fuck am I...?"

He surprisingly didn't feel that hungover, but the scene around him made his memories from the previous night flood back. He came to the only logical conclusion, that he was still half asleep.

Yeah, that must be it... He must've been dreaming, everything from the 'coincidental' meet-up with Kirishima and all the embarrassing things that came after.

Except... he wasn't actually dreaming.

He wasn't in his bedroom, heck, he wasn't even in his own house!

"Ah shit"

Bakugo was laying down with half his body on the cold living room floor and the other half awkwardly hanging off the couch. And still deep asleep on the same cramped couch was, of course, the herculean powerhouse of a guy that dragged his stubborn ass home. In Todoroki's car. While he was being a needy little cock sucker that just wouldn't give up and behave.

"This is not how we were supposed to go, godddd. I'm gonna kill those guys for royally landing my ass in this mess. I need to get outta here already, it's too soon"

He fumbled through his pocket, trying to find his phone for some sort of explanation. It's not like he didn't remember what happened last night, but he didn't want to face it alone and needed an outlet to yell at.

Dealing with Izuku was hard enough, but now he messed up his tie with Kirishima too. At least he thought he did. He wasn't an expert in relationships.

<IcyHot: 60 messages>

He cringed at the group chat's texts, all screaming for him not to make a move on Kirishima and warning him to stay safe. Well, he already fucked half of that up.

In his defence, it felt stupid to ask him to 'stay safe' when they're the ones that sent him off in the first place.

<HalfnHalf: 18 messages, 2 voice-mails>

He skimmed through his private chat with Todoroki, consoling him about Deku's stupid calls and texts and asking Bakugo if he wanted to crash with him instead. He appreciated the offer, but he'd rather die than live at Todoroki's place.

His boss also frequented there after all, and Enji was not a face he wanted to see often. He could already hear the big guy nagging in his head: "Get outta my house, you freeloading scum!"

He played out the voicemails while fishing through Kirishima's pockets to find the keys to Todoroki's flashy car. He needed to escape this place so he could have some time to think. Monoma's voice, for some reason, blared through his phone instead of Todoroki and caught him off guard.

<You better not let that meathead's dick anywhere near your sorry ass, or so help me, I will->


Now he could hear Tetsutetsu presumably smacking Monoma's head (as he should) and hogging the phone for himself.

<Sorry, what Monoma's trying to say's, don't have sex drunk, cus STDs and you're a bit of a reckless->

Skip again.

Even semi-drunk Bakugo was smart enough to know this shit, to some extent. He didn't technically sleep with Kirishima, so it was all good. Totally fine. He wasn't in the mood for stupid lectures first thing in the morning either.

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