School student🌸

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Malaysia is a country which is known as a multiracial country. Everyone is always wish to be there to become a proof of who has been there to seen a country with a lot of races but still can lead a peaceful life. Even though there is some problems between the citizens they still can get along well. Every citizens has well known about others culture ,tradition and more about other races because this is a important topic which they must have to study from the
start of their early education.

Parents also need to teach their childrens about how to get along with other race childrens because Malaysia have different languages so the childrens must have to learn how to communicate with other race childrens.Basically, the Malaysians know three language which was their own mother language, English and Malay. Some of them also know four language or more because they want to know how to talk in other languages.To learn other languages they will study in Chinese schools or Tamil schools. Because they have three different primary school which is for the children's to learn about their mother tongue. For secondary school they need to study together with other race students. This system is for give some space for their childrens to get comfortable with others.

(🌸To read this story you guys need to know about Malaysian education system. Sorry for take too long to describe about the education system. Now you can continue🌸)

Author's POV

She always take a long time to get ready for her school. She have a long hair so she have to take some time to comb her hair. She is not too slim or fat even though she have extra pounds.She is a chubby girl who has a sexy body shape. Her skin colour is not too dark or too pale because she has a skin wich can describe has medium tone of a fair colour or medium ivory. She has an almond eyes with rich dark brown colour which can shine like a gold in the sunlight.She has a thin rosy upper lip and pillow like lower lips .Every part of her face can describe as an unique art . We all are  unique  but we did not try to appreciate ourselves,just like her who have a lot of insecurities even though she was beautiful and more perfect in her own way.

The sounds of birds chirping ,shuffling sound of the leaves and the smell of the cool breeze make the morning even beautiful and special.It was 6:00 a.m.,the sound of alarm was went off. From outside of her room we can hear the faint sound of her alarm which is epiphany a song by bts.She was turning off her alarm before it switch into snooze mode and with a long groan she put her feet on the floor, after get out of her room  she feel the morning breeze .

"Hema what are you doing?if you continue to stand still and do nothing you're going to be late for your school"
her mother was yelling at her  but she was just look at her  and say
"hmm I know "
than go into her bathroom and lock it.

After take a bath and brush her teeth   she start to get ready for her's already 7:00 a.m. and   before 7:10 she need be in her school
so without eating her breakfast she call her father who was in work to pick her up and telling him it's already late so they need to make it fast. In the back she can her mother was yelling at her again
" how many times do I need  to remind you to wake up early so you don't have to rush to your school? Everyday your doing the same. Please Hema you need to feel calm to focus on your studies "

After she end her call she turn back to her mom and say
"sorry mom next time I will wake up before dad and you, now you're happy? "
she kiss her mom's chin and get blessing from her in Indian style.
Finally her father was came there to pick her up .She say goodbye to her mom and get into her father's car.
When she reach the school  gate it was closed and every students was getting into the line to start the assembly .her father was looking at her with dissapointment  but she just shrug it off and getting out from the car and start to walk through the line to get in her own class's line.

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