Chapter 26..meeting again..

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Like everyday yibo along with others were busy doing there regular schedule work..all exhausted,it was already 4 in the evening and they had not eaten anything since morning.

They decided to relax for sometime,..and fetch something to fill there growling all of them marched towards the dinning area,and unlike a parasite.. leech that get stuck with your body,live on your body and slowly slowly kills you.. madam qu followed behind..neither peaceful life nor death..

Sitting on one of the table , in the dinning area.It was not too crowded. they were attended by waiter,and order was placed ..and the food arrived.

All were busy chewing there food,..when yibo's eyes caught a glance ..a smile appeared on his face..

" Looks ,like I have to visit hospital.."yibo commented himself.. laughing.

" What sir??"Jiang asked,who was sitting next to him.

" Nothing serious.., after getting here I am dreaming weird things ,even while awake.."

" I don't get it sir..what you mean??"jiang was confused.

" I am getting hallucination ... possed of him.....look now,I can see him standing there " yibo explained briefly.. pointing in particular direction.

" am also sick..I can see him too.."Jiang replied ..his body was frozen at his seat.but hearing him.. something click yibo's mind.

Turning towards zihuan he tapped his shoulder.." bro ,look there can you see .." before he could complete, zihuan was already looking at the pointed direction.. chopsticks fell from his hand.

" Is he xian..real??" Yibo asked..

" Idiot!! Yes there he is..for real.what are you waiting .." zihuan hit yibo's head..

Yes it was xian,same as ever.. standing at one end of the room, infront of a door.. talking to one of the waiter. He was looking professional , fair skin ,slim body covered in black plain shirt and pant..bit long black hairs,but some mature.
Earlier whenever someone imagine xian,a innocent face appears in mind but right now he could be called devil..devil for capturing hearts.

Yibo quickly got up ,to run to his zhan..but before he reached xian he disappeared inside the door ,and it was closed.

Yibo with others ranned toward the door..Lili was behind zihuan.. madam qu didn't know what exactly happened,..why was everyone leaving the food in middle,..out of her nature she still followed.

They were so eager to meet,that yibo pushed the close hard..and in a bang it was opened.. creating a loud noise, attracting everyone s attention inside the room.

It was not a room,but a big giant size kitchen.. xian was wearing an apron and was cooking something,few other waiters were surrounding him,maybe taking a tutor class from him.
A loud bang at the door interepted there concentration.
Xian looked up ,saw yibo along with others standing at the entrance.. staring him,but he was not surprised,he ignored them and returned back to his cooking.

Did xian already know that yibo was here ..and was purposely hidding from him..or did he don't remember them anymore.

On the other hand yibo's eyes were focused on xian,one will never believe in miracles untill you see it with your own eyes,and this is what yibo was experiencing right now.after reaching for a month in this resort,it was day arranged by God for them to get infront of eachother..but still xian was not giving any him any pained yibo's heart..lot of questions whose answer are still to be told , lots of misunderstanding..need to be resolved..a big gap still to be filled, huge anger need to be felt , and replaced by joy..hatered dominating the love , should be thrown away ..thaey need to relive .. together..
But it can happen only when xian spare a chance to yibo.

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