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Here I am sitting in the place of my final rest.

It's raining. I am not very sure where I am, but it doesn't matter now.

I can still feel my skin over the numbness.

It's really cold. In a few short moments, I will close my eyes, fall asleep, and never wake up.

Despite my nerves, I am prepared. I have been for some time now. I will now be in peace.

I love you all even if you may not feel the same.

To Scott: Thank you for being my first friend, someone I could confide in for a short time. I hope you and Mitch are doing well. I know you love him, even if you won't tell him.

To Kevin: I adore you. I wanted to say that this letter does not apply to you. You are the, if not the only, one who showed me true compassion and care. I could always tell you how I felt although everyone around me would turn me away. I will always love you. Don't beat yourself up over this. It is not your fault.

To Avi: I don't know what I did to cause turmoil in our relationship. I hope you will forgive me for causing our divide, or so you said. But with all negativity aside, you were my first love, and I will always respect you for that. Thank you for treating me like a queen, even if it was for a small portion of our relationship.

To Ben: Don't hate me for this. I had no idea how to help our relationship. It was already rocky. I still love you. Don't get stuck on me. Please allow yourself to move on. I am so sorry for doing this to you. Take care of my boys. Tell them how much momma loves them everyday, even if they don't understand. I love you with my whole heart. I will continue loving you during my last breath. It isn't far away.

My eyes are already feeling heavy. I will cut this short. I can feel my body starting to slow down. I am moments away from happiness.

I am finally at peace. "

— K.T.M. <3


and we're done. i hope you enjoyed it <3

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