Chapter 2

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    Vibrations from my phone woke me up. I fell asleep next to my mom while I was lost in deep thoughts. I grabbed my phone and checked the messages. It was Connor.
"Hey, wanna come drink a coffee at my place before going to school?"
"Sure, just give me a minute to freshen up" I replied.

    Connor is my bestfriend. He is not like me, yet we connect in many ways. His family is neither rich nor poor. They have enough money to manage, and a bit more to spend on unnecesaary materials. Unlike mine, where we can barely buy food for all meals. I'll give you an example. You see, my phone is an old nokia that my mom used to use. Connor's phone is an Iphone. Touch screen, latest version, etcetera etcetera. We became friends in kindergarten before someone else could make friends with us. I don't think Connor would ever be my friend in any other situation. We have been bestfriends ever since and sometimes Connor can accidentally flex on me with the stuff that he has. Maybe I'm making a big deal about all of this because I don't have them. But, I am lucky in some ways. Connor is not that smart, but luckily I am. It's my only flex and I keep it close to me.
    Although I am poorer than Connor, he never lets it get in the way of our friendship, purposely atleast. Everyone in school respects him and me being his bestfriend, I get 40% too. Let's not talk about what happens when he is not around. But all that aside, I think Connor is friends with me because he has pity on me. Am I overthinking again?

    I got dressed and headed out. My mom was still sleeping peacefully, so I tried not to bother her. It was still a bit dark outside, the sun wasn't out yet. I held the doorknob of Connor's house and it was already open. I stepped inside and felt a complete different temparature hit me. Outside was cold, inside Connor's house, it was toasty. He was sitting on the couch typing something in his laptop. I closed the door behind me, and the pin drop silence was broken.
"Oscar! Man, how are you?" Connor said.
"Good, good. What about you?" I replied while taking off my coat and backpack. I looked around his house, it was different from before. There used to be a beige paint on the wall, fllled with family pictures and antique looking decorations. But now, there was a brownish colour, and a single electric guitar hung on the wall.
"Same. My house looks different eh?"
"Your house?" I asked. He never said that before.
"Yeah, my house. I officially own the house. After my 18th birthday, my parents moved out, and gave me the house!"
Lucky bastard that I'm actually happy for.
"Congrats, how does it feel to live on your own now?"

    We talked, drank coffee and then headed to school. He gave me a ride, which isn't that unsual anymore. I reach my school and there is a crowd at the gate. I didn't really care about it. It's a public school, maybe some politician is visiting.
    I walked in while talking to Connor and accidentally bumped into someone.
"Oh sor-" I stopped talking. I just got a proper look at who I was talking to. I knew that face. That's Matilda.
She was even more beautiful from up close. She had brown eyes, but it was blending into a light blue colour. It complimented her rosy skin really well. It looked almost as if she had diamond flakes in her eyes. Diamond flakes in rose petals, I would say. I snapped back to reality when she said,
"I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention"
"It's my fault I-" someone interrupted me and cut me off again. It was Matilda's bodyguard. He came and stood between the both of us and ruined my moment. I chuckled to the thought that I actually thought that Matilda McCarthy would like to talk to me. I walked past the guards and the crowd and into the school. Connor disappeared, maybe he was talking to her. I saw my reflection in the little glass on the main door and thanked her for even saying a word to me. If I were her, I wouldn't.
    I couldn't stop thinking about that embarrasing moment. What is she doing in our school? Maybe her father forced her? Connor apperantly had a problem with the sports team and left during lunch. So I had to have lunch all alone. I don't eat during lunch. I don't take out my phone in school either. That would be way too embarrasing. I just read books and finish homeworks. Noone else is allowed to sit in our table, (rules by Connor), so it gives me sometime to do all of this without any distraction. The bell rang and I got up to go back to class. As I was taking my materials, a girl dropped a neatly folded note on my table. I couldn't see the face of the girl, as she walked away quickly as soon as she dropped it. Maybe it wasn't for me. But I still took the note, put it in my pocket and headed to class.

   I got home and took the note out of my pocket immediately. I didn't tell Connor about it, just kept it to myself incase it wasn't supposed to be for me. Then I'd end up looking like a fool. My mom wasn't home, she probably went out to the store again. This gave me enough space to read the note. I opened the white, with black striped, neatly folded paper and started reading.

"Dear stranger,
Hi, I am Matilda McCarthy. You might not know me, I'm the clumsy girl who bumped into you at the gate. I couldn't even get to say sorry properly. Sorry about both of those things. I was going to apologise at lunch, but you seemed really busy, so instead I am writing this letter. I don't know you so it's not like I can call you. Say hi if you see me in school tomorrow.
Love, Matilda."

    I folded the paper back after reading. I took a deep breath trying to rationalise what was happening. But inside, I just wanted to scream, "Holy moly!". Did she move to our school now? She is a multi-millionare's daughter, why would she attend a public school? I had mixed feelings. I felt excited, nervous, happy, scared, you name it I felt it. Maybe, this poor boy without a father had some luck. Just maybe.

𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐬Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz