Chapter 1

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It was a sunny day out when I met him. I was traveling from village to village because thats just how I lived, when I ran into a few hidden leaf ninja training. I knew I must of been close to the village, then he saw me I really wished he didn't right now. I decided to try to act like he wasn't there so I just kept walking.

Then he jumped in front of me. 'This guy reminds me of something' "My names Rock Lee, might I know yours?" He asked
" uhh sure my names (Y/n) (L/n) "
Then it clicked in my mind what he reminded me of

 'This guy reminds me of something' "My names Rock Lee, might I know yours?" He asked" uhh sure my names (Y/n) (L/n) "Then it clicked in my mind what he reminded me of

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"It is nice to meet you (y/n),so I challenge you to a battle!" Lee yelled
"yeahhh.... I don't know about that one chief, I have to go see the hokage today" I said trying not to battle this guy

(Backstory thing)

I was one of the most powerful kunochi in the (l/n) clan until I was attacked by orochimaru when I was about 11 he experimented on me. Messing with my chakra flow so I can't use ninjutsu but I can still use genjutsu and taijutsu.
Now you're probably wondering "How did I escape orochimaru?"
Well let me tell you,
We were doing training in the base when, he walked away to get something, so I took my opportunity to run out of the lair
I then ran across the bridge that went over the small river in front of the base and when I got on the bridge I stomped around on it until it started to break while I yelled "I DISRESPECT YOUR BRIDGE SNAKEMAN!!"
Then when I got off one of his 'henchmen' tried to grab me but I dodged and yelled "MADA MADA!!" at him. Then I ran into the forest and successfully escaped, honestly though I think snake man let me go on purpose. I think it was because I disappointed him with the little amount of jutsus I know, that or the fact I disrespected his bridge.
After I escaped apparently my clan got attacked by Zabuza one of the seven ninja swordsmen of the mist , and all of them died so I was going to get my revenge and kill him but apparently a team of genin plus Kakashi of the sharigan already did that, which is part of the reason I want to live in the leaf village. I'm wanting to meet this team.
And that's why I don't want to battle Lee right now, very tragic I know.

(Back to you and lee)

"Aw it is alright (y/n), maybe we can battle when your done then." he said genuinely sad we couldn't fight
I just said goodbye and walked up to the two gate guards who were sleeping 'how has this village not been invaded with the guards asleep' I wondered
"Umm hello" I said waking them up
" I'd like to see the hokage about living in the village. " I said to one of them
"Okay then, follow me." He said, ' is this guy really just going to take to see the hokage just like that, man that's crazy'
We soon arrived at a huge building which I assumed is where the hokage lived and worked. There, the one that escorted me to the building left when we went into the hokage's office. There were two people with animal masks on in the room while we talked I assumed they were ANBU members there to protect the Hokage.

After a while they realised I wasn't much of a threat so she gave me a new leaf headband and a house key to my new apartment. She said they would test me tomorrow to figure out my rank, so I guess I won't be able to battle Lee for a bit .

(A/n) I thought it would be funny to throw in a joke for the Buzzfeed unsolved fans hoped y'all like the the first chapter

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