Chapter 3

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After my talk with Neji I was walking to my apartment after doing some grocery shopping when some threw a kunai at me from behind me and I dodged quickly, but sadly my groceries didn't make it and they fell all over the ground.

I looked up at the person who threw the weapon at me with the intent to kill, only to see a guy with makeup and silver hair.  As soon as I saw him I immediately put him in a genjutsu. Luckily he didn't notice or he just didn't bother

'He aint slick, I know this Kakashi, even if he never shows his face I can tell just by looking at his eye. Maybe I'll just play dumb for now.'

I knew immediately he was there to check my rank, now I have even more reason to not hold back. If someone is going to spill my food they better expect I'm going fight

Kakashi's pov

"Who are you and what do you need?" She yelled at me

"The names Raikiri and you have something I want." I respond and point to all her purse which happened to be under the groceries on the ground
(Raikiri is kakashi's name he used when he takes off his mask to pretends to be a painter)

"You want my groceries?" She asked confused, I sweatdropped

"What! No, your money!" I yelled but then I was hit in the back by something I turned around but then I passed out. I don't even know what happened

(Y/n)'s pov

After I put Kakashi in a genjutsu everything was a lot easier, my clan was known for having strong genjutsus, so I guess he never expected that from me. I got him with my 'signature' hit on the neck while he was going through the genjutsu and he passed out.

So I brought him to the Hokage and she just laughed at the fact that he, Kakashi of the sharigan, never realised he was in a genjutsu.

After a bit he started to wake up so I passed him a doctors mask to cover his face with to be polite. He seemed really embarrassed that he lost and I don't blame him. I'd be embarrassed if I lost to someone almost half my age too.

"Anyway, (y/n) now that you're a high ranking ninja of the leaf you'll be having your first mission. Your team should be getting here in a bit so go home and pack quickly. I'll send someone to get you when they there here." Tsunade said

I nodded and went home to pack and right when was done I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see Neji (ha y'all thought it was Lee)

" Lady Hokage has sent me to retrieve you." He explained
We swiftly made our way to the Hokage's office, where we saw Shikamaru and Lee while we waited for Lady Tsunade to explain the mission.

"You guys are going to be going on an escort mission with a prince of a feudal lord and you need to be careful, this is a B rank mission and you're just some the higher ranking ninjas that aren't busy. Shikamaru is the team captain , you're dismissed." Tsunade explained

With that, we went to the gates to meet the prince we were going to be escorting.

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