Chapter 2

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  I was walking from my new apartment after unpacking, when I felt like someone was following me. I turned around quick enough to see a green blur running at me. I knew as soon as I saw him, that he was going to challenge me again.

  "(Y/n), I challenge you to a battle!" He confidently yelled 'wow how did I know?' I thought sarcastically

  " Yeah, okay sure" I said just trying to get this over with. We walked to one of the training grounds.

When we got there, there were already a lot of other people, who I assumed must of heard from Lee, that we were going to battle.

  "So you must be (Y/n)! Lee's told us so much about you!" A girl with her hair in two buns said excitedly, "Oh wait you probably want to know my name first, I'm Tenten."

  After Tenten introduced herself everyone else told me their names. Apparently theres still another one of their classmates that wasn't there, but he left around two and a half years ago to train.
I didn't think all of his friends would be here, but they were probably just curious about the new girl.

  When all the introductions were done, Lee and I got into fighting stances. He tried running at me but I dodged pretty easily, but then he kept running past me. He jumped in the air and tried to land a kick, but right before he could kick me, I hit him really hard on the pressure point in his neck causing him to pass out. He fell down, since he was in the air, and I caught him so he didn't get hurt from the fall.

I passed him to one of his friends and started to walk away when a guy with lavender eyes and long brown hair who's name was Neji I believe, approached me. I knew real quick he was from the Hyuga clan just by looking at his eyes.

"Why didn't you use any ninjutsu?" He questioned bluntly. I was a bit taken back by his question coming out of nowhere.

"I can't" I deadpanned

  "And why not?" He interrogated

I started to get irritated and gave in, " I have messed up chakra streams, Okay!" I almost yelled "I thought someone of the high and mighty Hyuga clan would be able to see it." I mumbled the last bit.

"So you're like Lee then." He said

  "What do you mean?" I asked confused

  " Lee also cannot use ninjutsu, or genjutsu for that fact." Neji said. 'Actually the more I think about it he never tried anything but taijutsu for the whole battle.'


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