Ba Sing Se

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*In Ba Sing Se*
*Jinora's POV*
Kai's with my dad so no time with him I guess.. I decided that because I can't explore Ba Sing Se with Kai I'll go by my self. Therefore I leave our temporary house in the upper ring of the palace and go into town. "Im really excited!!" I think to myself while I'm exploring because there's so much to see here in Ba Sing Se, that joy & excitement didn't last long when I ran into some older guys maybe 15/16 years old and mind you I'm 12 so this can't end well.. They throw fruits, vegetables and other things they could find in the marketplace to the point I had to use my air bending to protect myself and the Earth Queen doesn't like air benders, I heard she takes them away and uses them for war!! I was right Dai Li agents appear with their rock gloves and I was forced to start running through alley ways and streets as well as getting a spirit to contact Kai and my dad for help! I had tried to climb a fence but their gloves caught me, it's no use now..
*Kai's perspective*
I was talking to Tenzin this morning when we received a spirit message from Jinora saying she was in trouble with the Dai Li agents and they were chasing her which makes me very worried that they got her!!
*An hour later*
We got another spirit message from her saying they got her and she has to train for the Queens 'war army'. She has no idea where she is and must be so
scared.. actually take that back because she's one of the strongest people I know and she won't give up!! We gather our gang and head out not that we know where we're going but Korra's on that.
"I'm really worried about Jinora, it sounds like she in really bad trouble with the Earth Kingdom." I mention to Bolin.
*Jinora's perspective*
"I really hope Kai's coming to help and that my spirit message went through!" I thought to myself. We had to go to 'army' training, exciting right honestly I would much rather be reading books. A Dai Li agent tells me to "Attack your opponent like you mean it!" after I went easy on my partner who's only new at air bending. "No I certainly will not!" I replied. To which me talking back got me sent to a jail cell, it was very cramped when a blue flickering light came and lit up the room to whom I see Kai appearing from this blue sensation. "Jinora! I found you, FIRST TRY!!" *Jinora giggled at Kai's excitement* "Good job Kai." Kai is now asking where we're located but to be honest I have no idea all I know is that we're underground somewhere. He then he was gone leaving me in the dark, no more blue light he rose to see where we were but before he left I hugged him and whispered "thank you" in his ear which made him blush, that made me happy.
Thank you for reading the next part💞 It is very deeply appreciated if you have any constructive criticism I'm open to take it.

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