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October 27th, 1978

3rd Person

Remus Lupin was nervous.

Sirius and Remus had found a spell that would allow Sirius to get pregnant, but the spell only worked twice. They were planning on having two kids anyway, so it worked out well for them. Lily was also pregnant, And she was due to give birth on the 31st of October.

After about another fifteen minutes of sitting in the waiting room, a doctor came out to tell them that they were good to go in and meet the baby. Remus and Sirius had been informed of the gender of the baby about three months ago, but they had decided not to tell anyone. Walking down the hallway was making Remus even more nervous than he already was.

Walking into Sirius's room, Remus, James, and Lily were greeted with the sight of Sirius, holding a little blue bundle of blankets, signifying that the baby was in fact, a boy.

Sirius looked up, a smile crossing his sweat covered face.

"Hi love. Come meet your son." Sirius said quietly, holding the baby out to Remus, who took him hesitantly.

"Have you two decided on a name?" Lily asked.

"We decided on Leo Regulus Lupin-Black." Sirius said, beaming.

"We also decided that we want Peter and Lydia to be his godparents." Remus said, passing Leo to James.

A little later Peter Pettigrew and Lydia Pettigrew neé Lupin walked into the room.

"Give me my godson." Lydia said, beaming when Lily handed Leo to her.

"Sorry we're late, Lydia didn't get home until I was outside getting ready to floo here." Peter said, looking over Lydia's shoulder at his nephew and smiling.

"That's quite alright, we were just admiring Leo for a while." Sirius spoke up.

"He is quite adorable. Looks like we've got a mini Remus in our midst." Lydia cooed.


August 1st, 1980

3rd Person

It had been two years since the birth of Leo Regulus Lupin-Black, and three days after he was born, Madeline Lillian Potter came into the world.

Lydia and Peter also had a son, Liam Remus Pettigrew, who was born on January 4th, 1980. And Lily had just had her second child on July 31st, which had been the day before, which was a boy, and they named him Harry James Potter.

And now Sirius and Remus were having their second child. They had decided to name her James Hope Lupin-Black and make James and Lily her godparents.

Remus sat at the end of Sirius's hospital bed, holding James in his arms as he cooed at her. James and Lily sat in chairs on one side of Sirius's bed, Lily holding a sleeping Harry in her right arm while she held Sirius's left hand.

Lydia and Peter sat on the other side of Sirius's bed, a sleeping Liam sitting in Peter's lap.

Madeline and Liam sat on the floor near the door babbling quietly to each other.

"Lily, give me my godson." Sirius said. Lily handed Harry to him.

"Moony, I demand you give me my niece." Lydia said. James and Peter had started calling James baby pads because she looked almost exactly like Sirius, except she had Remus's button nose and her freckles shone like stars. Instead of Sirius calling James baby pads, he called her little star. Remus passed James Hope to James just as she opened her grey eyes. Unlike James, Leo had Remus's pale green eyes.

The door opened, and a doctor came in, making eye contact with Remus.

"Mr Lupin, Mr Black, if you haven't already noticed something special about your daughter, I'll tell you that  she is a Metamorphmagus, meaning she will be able to change her appearance at will. If you have any questions about her abilities, come find me, and I will answer them for you." The doctor said, sending a smile at Sirius before leaving the room.

"Oh, that's wonderful! Just think about all trouble she could cause with her abilities! My cousin Andromeda has a daughter with the same abilities." Sirius said, grinning at Remus mischievously.

"Oh lord save us all." Remus said, chuckling at his husband's excitement.


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