Chapter 1: Into The Grey

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"Another day. Why does everyday feel the same lately? I'm not even sure what day it is. I guess I can get out of bed and see what there is to do."

Lately the world has felt off, Not just to her though. To everyone. On the morning of April 17, the world had changed overnight and she was the only one who seemed to notice. Of course, the sun still rose and shined like any other and set. The moon went through its normal cycles but for some reason she didn't feel anymore. She felt devoid of all emotion, that is until she fell asleep. Her dreams were so much more vivid than she ever remembered and she was able to remember them after she woke up. Even days later. Everyone around her also seemed like the shells of themselves. Grey. Empty. Lost.

Dallas made it down the stairs and noticed that she was the only one up. she makes breakfast for herself but the taste is dull and boring. She didn't even care. Dallas could remember a time when she would laugh at the tender touch of a butterfly on her arm. She remembered crying when she fell off her first big kid bike. That was so long ago it seems. It has only been 2 weeks. She put her cereal bowl into the sink and walked outside. The feeling of warmth the sun used to provide is just a faint feeling now. It was about noon when you'd left the house but it barely felt more than lukewarm water outside. She didn't even know where to go, she just knew that she was going to start walking and try to find something, even a glimmer of hope. The same thing she had been searching for since this all began. Her memories were beginning to fade but every person she had asked about the before times didn't even remotely know what you were talking about.

As she walked she thought to herself.

"Dallas...That's my name. I know that for sure. I am 19 years old. Everyone here looks the same as I remember but they aren't quite the same. Maybe I went to another dimension? No...that doesn't make much sense. Maybe the world ended and this is purgatory? No.... Not that either. Although lately I wouldn't be surprised."

As she walk she sees others doing the same. Blank stares and foot steps leading in no obvious direction but moving to move. All the colors around seem muted too. Pastel even. What is happening? As she looks around she begins to notice that she is the only one who ever looks around on purpose without having bumped into something or a noise drawing your attention. Except for.... Wait who is that?

As she stares ahead on the trail that she is she sees someone moving. Very quickly actually. Running towards her almost. As he gets closer she can see the fear and confusion on his face. At seeing him she began to feel it too. The first thing she has felt in weeks. Not the first emotion she would choose to feel for that matter but better than the nothingness she had become used to. As he gets closer, he notices her. He notices she isn't like the others and starts barreling towards her. Colors around him seem to become brighter? She can see the sweat dripping down his face. Emotions and colors and sounds start to filter back in. Overwhelming so. Her head starts to pound and the light from the sun becomes blinding. It's all too much. By the time he reaches her, her eyes close to try to shut out everything. It all happened so fast. He reaches out to touch her arm and when his skin hits hers it burns and everything goes dark. 

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