Chapter 7: Train like we fight

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Chapter 7: Train like we fight

The dream started off innocently enough. Dallas and Killian were in the middle of an emerald green field sitting beneath a beautifully full oak tree. A blanket beneath them and a subtle warm breeze blowing through their hair.

"Alright Dallas, are you ready to start your training?" He asked. With a sigh she should her head no and continued to relax in the shade. She heard him get up and an even deeper shadow fell over her face. She opened her eyes and Killian was within inches of her face with a smirk on his face. Her heart threatened to pound of her chest. It was as if he could hear it because he started laughing and moved away from her face. She felt a heat in her cheeks and knew she was blushing.

"Fine. Yeah. Training ok let's get this over with." She got up and brushed her clothes off. All of a sudden, the environment around them started to change. The sun above turned into a rich twilight lighting the sky with violets and pinks. The grass grew about knee height and Killian was in front of her only a few feet. She was in awe.

"Killian, how is my dream changing."

"Our dream, Dallas." He smiled. "We are sharing this dream so we both have control. I felt that you'd be more relaxed in this environment. Was I right?"

"Yeah, it's actually quite beautiful. So, what's the first part of training?"

"The first part I want you to practice is to control the environment. So, go ahead and make the grass shorter."

"Well how am I supposed to do that?" She asked.

"Just picture it. Trust me." At this Dallas closed her eyes and pictured short grass. Upon opening her eyes there was no longer grass, it was all dirt.

"Hmmmm, alright you're stronger than I thought but almost not in control of your powers at all. Are you thinking of something negative?" She was indeed. She couldn't get the last dream of the Grey out of her mind. The rusty smell and water around her. She shivered at the thought. Her environment once again began to change. She could smell the rust again. Killian rushed to her and embraced her at first confusing her but the warmth of his body against hers made her smile. The smell faded and grass began to grow and flowers bloom. He hugged her tighter and the twilight returned even more vibrant and romantic than before. She didn't want him to let go but finally his grasp loosened.

"Rule number 1 Dallas is to rid your thought of negativity because when you're not in a good head space no matter what you want to change about your dream realm will always take a negative direction."

"Well that actually makes a lot of sense, Thanks Killian. Can we just relax for a little bit together instead of doing more training? That drained me. Even the thought of the Grey almost hurts." He nodded his head and made appear a soft large blanket underneath the tree with fruits and food. She hadn't even been thinking about food but she began to feel hungry. She never knew she could feel this way in a dream.

"Killian, why am I hungry?" She asked curiously.

"Well it's because you are a grim that you can actually feel and even consume things in the dream realm that will help your physical body and I remember that you were hungry before we fell asleep so I figured I could at least do that for you." He smiled at her again and she almost melted. She eagerly began to snack on the grapes and apples that she found on a plate.

"Thank you, Killian, for making me feel at home and helping this be easier on me." Without noticing Killian had leaned over towards her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Anything for you my Princess." She smiled and before she knew it was opening her eyes once again into consciousness next to Killian. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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