The End Of Problems??

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   (Shadow PoV)
I saw him walk up to me with a nervous smile on his face. "So how was your day, ao far?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

"Oh it was fine. Though my boyfriend's freaking out about eating lunch with you, so I wanna ask if could come too" He said politely.

He just wanted everyone to be involved. That's sweet. "Sure, I don't mind. I would like to know him myself " I answered seeing his azure tail ho up and down his excitement.

"OK, OK!" I giggled and put up my hands defensively. He just giggled cutely and nodded.

If this guys treats him wrong, Imma kill him. Then Sonic did something I never saw coming. You see at this time I had my hand on my hip, making my elbow curve.

Sonic then put his arm though the hole nervously, probably not wanting his boyfriend to find out.

Then finally finished his movement making me stunned. Then my stunned face turn to a smirk.

Sweet Mobius why does he have be so cute? I asked myself whiling walking with the cutie hanging on my arm.

We arrived at our destination, the cafeteria. I walked him to my table and sat him down there, while I sat next to him. Cautiously putting my arm around his neck.

I know, I know he has a boyfriend, but he wasn't here, and someone had to tell the peeping Toms behind my back to stop looking.

Sonic leaned into my touch and started purring, my heart melting while watching him purr.

Eventually we stopped 'hugging' to wait for Sonic's boyfriend. Sonic had got up to use the bathroom though. Then I heard a ding! And turned my head to Sonic's phone.

It was a text from his 'boyfriend' and it read.

Sorry I can't be there babe, stuff came up at work. And by that I mean we are done, my new boyfriend likes the stuff I do. I'm pretty sure you're happy though, so you get to spend time with that Shadow guy. See ya!

Wait did I just read? I put the phone down shocked. Thats when Sonic walked up to the table.

"Was something wrong with my phone?" He asked while sitting down next to me. "No, you just got a text from your boyfriend" I said in a matter of fact tone of voice.

He sighed and nodded, then read the message on his phone. His eyes widened as he read further, a smile slow forming on his face.

"I'm free" he cried out hugging me. All I could do was hug back happily. He was free, Free to be mine that is.

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