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The sound you make, the words you write and how you tell your stories based on your experiences are the few things I love about you.

With every pluck of your guitar string, every rhyme you make and every piece you write I fall in love some more.

You ride with wind and hover along the waves. Your existence is a touch of life itself.

You make me sleep at ease in every dreary night I go through, you gave me warmth in a cold day and you taught me things about the world and how cruel it can be.

You make me feel alright.

I am me today because of you, I will never get tired of listening to the stories you will tell.

I hope more out there will have a chance to hear you because they will be missing  half of their lives if they won't  and because you deserve to be heard.

Reach them too like how you've reached me, I hope that this message will show the way that I love you.
But I know no words can equate how you taught me. You are my home at the end of the day as I chase setting suns, a warm embrace after a long day and whenever I feel young as the morning and old as the sea you're there singing me a sweet lullaby.

I won't go to the wrong direction because you give off all the little lights in any way I take.

You make me sleep in peace, Mike

Even though I am just a passenger,

I'll always love you.

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