Character Index

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I do not own ASOIAF or Game of Thrones. All rights belong to G.R.R.M and HBO. I make no money from this fanfiction and I only write it for fun.

Some of the characters ages or titles may be incorrect as I've copied them down from my ASOIAF novels that take place over a decade after this fanfic is based. If you notice any mistakes, let me know :)

Based on the year of the False Spring, 281 AC:

Their words: FIRE AND BLOOD

AERYS TARGARYEN, the Second of His Name, King of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms (Born in 244 AC, a man of 37 years)
—his sister-wife, QUEEN RHAELLA of House Targaryen (Born in 246 AC, a woman of 35 years)
——Their children:
—CROWN PRINCE RHAEGAR of House Targaryen,  their eldest son, heir to the Iron Throne (Born in 259 AC, a young man of 22 years)
——his wife, PRINCESS ELIA of House Martell, now with child (Born in 256 AC, a kind woman of 25 years)
———their daughter, PRINCESS RHAENYS of House Targaryen (Born in 280 AC, a girl of 1 year)
—PRINCESS SHAENA of House Targaryen (Born and died in 264 AC of frailness)
—PRINCE DAERON of House Targaryen (Born in 269 AC and died half a year later in 270 AC of frailness)
—STILLBORN PRINCE OR PRINCESS of House Targaryen (Born and died in 270 AC of prematurity)
—PRINCE AEGON of House Targaryen (Born in 272 AC and died in 273 AC of frailness)
—PRINCE JAEHAERYS of House Targaryen (Born and died in 274 AC of frailness)
—PRINCE VISERYS of House Targaryen, their second living son (Born in 276 AC, a boy of five years)

King Aerys' small council:
—LORD TYWIN LANNISTER, Hand of the King (Born in 242 AC, a man of 39 years)
—LORD QARLTON CHELSTED, Master of Coin (Born in 234 AC, a man of 45 years)
—LORD SYMOND STAUNTON, Master of Law (Born in 242 AC, a man of 39 years)
—LORD LUCERYS VELARYON, Master of Ships (Born in 240 AC, a man of 41 years)
—LORD VARYS, Master of Whisperers (Born in an unknown time and of an unknown age)
—PYCELLE, Grand Maester (Born in 216 AC, a man of 65 years)
—SER GEROLD HIGHTOWER, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard (Born in 222 AC, an experienced man of 59 years)

King Aerys' Kingsguard:
—SER GEROLD HIGHTOWER, also known as THE WHITE BULL, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard (Born in 222 AC, an experienced man of 59 years)
—SER BARRISTAN SELMY, also known as SER BARRISTAN THE BOLD, a knight of the Kingsguard (Born in 237 AC, a bold man of 44 years)
—SER LEWYN MARTELL, a knight of the kingsguard (Born in 230 AC, a man of 51 years)
—SER JONOTHOR DARRY, a knight of the kingsguard (Born in 246 AC, a man of 35 years)
SER OSWELL WHENT, a knight of the kingsguard (Born in 255 AC, a man of 26 years)
—SER ARTHUR DAYNE, also known as THE SWORD OF THE MORNING, a knight of the kingsguard (Born in 260 AC, a man of 20 years)
—Unclaimed position following the death of SER HARLAN GRANDISON, an old man of 91 years at his passing, a former knight of the kingsguard (Born in 194 AC and died in 281 AC in his sleep)

Aerys' court at King's Landing:
—-LORD OWEN of House Merryweather, known for showering the king with unnecessary compliments
——his grandson:
—LORD ORTON of House Merryweather, heir to Longtable
——SER WILLEM DARRY, master-at-arms at Kings Landing, brother of SER JONOTHOR of the kingsguard
——LORD ROSSART of the Alchemists Guild in King's Landing, the favourite pyromancer of KING AERYS
——GARIGUS of the Alchemists Guild in King's Landing
——BELIS of the Alchemists Guild in King's Landing
——SER MYLES MOOTON, squire of PRINCE RHAEGAR, he was a close companion of the crown prince and was knighted by him personally (Born in 264 AC, a young man of 17 years)
——SER RICHARD LONMOUTH, squire of PRINCE RHAEGAR (Born in 260 AC, a young man of 20 years)
——LORD ILYN PAYNE, captain of LORD TYWIN LANNISTER'S guard, the king had his tongue removed after he was caught speaking treasonously
——THOROS of Myr, a red priest of R'hllor from the Free City of Myr 
——SER JAIME of House Lannister, twin brother of LADY CERSEI, son of hand of the king, LORD TYWIN, heir to Casterly Rock and the Westerlands (Born in 266 AC, a knight of 15 years)
——LADY CERSEI of House Lannister, twin sister of SER JAIME, son of hand of the king, LORD TYWIN (Born In 266 AC, a young woman of 15 years)
——LORD TYRION LANNISTER, also known as THE IMP, younger brother of SER JAIME and LADY CERSEI, son of hand of the king, LORD TYWIN LANNISTER (Born in 273 AC, a boy of 8 years)
——LADY ASHARA of House Dayne, youngest sister of SER ARTHUR of the kingsguard (Born in 264 AC, a maid of 17 years)
——LORD JON of House Connington, son of LORD ARMOND, heir to Griffin's Roost (Born in 260 AC, a young man of 21 years)

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