Chapter 1 | LYANNA I | harrenhal

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Lyanna gazed up at the enormous castle as she road atop her auburn mare

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Lyanna gazed up at the enormous castle as she road atop her auburn mare. The largest castle in all the seven kingdoms, according to the maester back at Winterfell.

Old Nan had told Lyanna and her brothers frightening tales about Harrenhal when they were children and she was suddenly remembering them all. She studied the burnt black bricks, the unnerving gargoyles staring down, and the broken pillars that stretched into the sky.

Ned steered his horse over to her. Her older brother had the typical look of House Stark with pale skin and brown hair. His eyes were steely grey and oftentimes held a judgmental look to them.

Lyanna's own eyes were blue-grey like that of her younger brother Benjen. Her eldest brother Brandon's eyes were also grey, but very dark.

Ned had been fostered in the Eyrie under the banner of Lord Jon Arryn since he was a boy and adopted much of his honourable nature that her other brothers lacked. He still worshipped the old gods of the north despite his southern tutorage, something the south couldn't strip from him.

"It's more intimidating than I thought," she admitted to him, staring at the gates into the courtyard as they got closer.

Ned nodded and looked up at the castle himself. "It covers three times as much ground as Winterfell. I don't understand the need for such things. It's better use for giants than men,"

Lyanna kept quiet. She didn't like Harrenhal. A place with such a dark history couldn't possibly harbour any goodness.

"Brandon asks that you ride in the carriage with the other ladies," he said with a hint of hesitation.

Her father stayed within walls of Winterfell and sent Lyanna and her brothers south with thirty of his household guard and a party of northern highborn. He had trusted Lyanna's eldest brother to represent House Stark and had been quite demanding of his siblings the entire journey south.

"I don't want to." She replied, urging her mare away from her brother.

They never seemed to understand that she would never be like the southern other girls. They should've given up trying to mould her into a little ladylike thing years ago. They should know they she would never be untested in handsome boys, music, dance, needlework or whatever else typical girls entertained themselves with.

It was easier when she was smaller. Her father didn't seem to care as much. She could play outside, practice archery, race her brothers on horseback and join them on hunting trips in the Wolfswood. She rode on horseback better than all her brothers and probably everyone else in Winterfell, but she hardly ever had the opportunity to show off.

"Robert will there, Lya." Ned told her softly. "You must act properly for him. You're a girl no longer."

"What am I now then?" She asked spitefully. "A boy? If you squinted hard enough I might just pass for one."

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