Chapter 4 | Jaime I | knight of lies

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Jaime stood before the king nervously. He was standing as straight as he could with his chest lifted slightly, trying to mimic the way he'd seen Arthur Dayne standing.

He was wearing his new polished kingsguard with a long swaying white cloak. He had dreamed of donning the white cloak since he was a boy, never did he think he would actually ever would.

"Ser Jaime," the king called.

Jaime looked up but didn't make eye contact. His heart was fluttering nervously in his chest.  "Your grace?"

"I'm afraid I left my queen and young son alone and unprotected in the Red Keep,"

Jaime nodded.

"I worry for their safety," the king paused and stared at Jaime, making eye contact. "As your first duty as a kingsguard, I must ask that you ride to the capital to ensure the safety of Queen Rhaella and Prince Viserys."

He couldn't believe his luck. They were calling the tourney at Harrenhal the greatest tournament in the Seven Kingdoms. Noblemen from all over the realm were in attendance, and the king wanted to send him away.

Jaime glanced to his side where Ser Gerold Hightower was standing with a stern look on his face.

Jaime swallowed disappointedly. When do I leave, your grace?"


"Couldn't you send somebody else?" He asked frantically, hesitating when he saw the angry look on the king's face. "I only mean, the jousts—"

"You will leave tonight, Lannister." He growled. "There will be no time for you to show off in the jousts. You can travel with any men of your choosing."

"You grace, please,"

Tywin Lannister would have slapped Jaime if he saw him begging the king. Jaime's face was heating up from embarrassment but he had to at least try to persuade the king.

"You will obey my orders, Lannister! My wife and son are left unguarded while your loiter and whine!"

Jaime flinched. He nodded and glanced to his side where Ser Gerold was watching him. "Forgive me, you grace. I will leave to pack my things and be gone shortly."

Jaime frustratedly made his way back to his tent and called Adam Marbrand to help him take off his armour.

"You're going tonight?" Addam asked.

Jaime nodded. "The king's cruel."

He rolled his eyes as he pulled off Jaime's chest plate. "It's just a stupid joust."

"If it's just a stupid joust then I'm sure you won't be bothered if I brought you back to the capital with me?"

Addam inhaled sharply. "Fine."

It didn't take long for Jaime to pack everything away in his chest. He had barely taken anything out as he had only arrived in the Riverlands the day before.

Jaime and Addam walked down to the stables, servants were taking their things down to the stables and their horses were being saddled by stableboys.

Five other men from the Westerlands were accompanying them to the capital. It was easy to get men to leave with him as they all wanted to impress his father by going with him.

They passed the jousting field that was aloud with the cheering and fast hooves. He stopped and stared for a moment, wishing he could be there. 

"Jaime Lannister,"

He quickly spun around and saw Ser Barristan.

"Why aren't you with everyone at the jousts, Ser?"

"I was ordered to guard the prince but he's decided to join in on the jousts. I happened to see you and wanted to wish you a safe journey,"

Jaime wished he could see the prince on the jousting field. He hardly ever participated but was very skilled. It would be incredible if he had the opportunity to joust against the prince.

"There will be dozens more jousts for you to show off in." Ser Barristan said. "Don't whine like a child because you will be missing one."

Jaime stared at him incredulously. "People are calling it the greatest tournament in the Seven Kingdoms! Hundreds of noblemen are attending! And I'm being sent away!"

Ser Barristan stood there calmly. "People will hear about you regardless, Lannister. They will be impressed that you were raised to the kingsguard at just fifteen. Most boys are still squires at your age and won't be knighted until they're in their twenties."

Jaime felt his face get warm. He was very proud to have been knighted at fifteen by Ser Arthur Dayne himself. Lots of boys envied him.

"Arthur Dayne is called the best knight in the Seven Kingdoms," Ser Barristan told him. "He was raised to the kingsguard at seventeen which amazed people. You're fifteen, regardless of why you have earned your white cloak, people will expect great things from you too,"

Jaime nodded. "I'm sorry for acting immaturely, Ser,"

Ser Barristan grabbed his shoulder. "Act wisely in the capital. You are no longer the young heir of Casterly Rock who can do as he pleases, but a knight of the kingsguard, so you must act like one, Jaime,"

Addam Marbrand shouted for him. "Hurry up, Lannister! We will leave without you!"

"Stay safe, Lannsiter," Ser Barristan, releasing his houdier and shoving him away.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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