Chapter 3 | Rhaegar I |Oaths of Honour

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Oaths of Honour

Rhaegar found himself standing in an unfamiliar place. The air was heavy and the walls around him were built of rough pale bricks. In the middle of the brick chamber was a large wooden bed dripping with blood.

He walked up to the bed hesitantly, feeling morbidly curious about it. His feet didn't make any sound as he stepped on the wooden plank floor, filling him with uneasiness.

There were blue petals and roses scattered over the mattress, some of them red from the blood. He reached down to pick one up but his hand fell through the bed like thick mist.

The room grew darker and darker and warped all around him until he found himself in a new location, standing before tall crimson doors staring into the throne room in King's Landing.

The heavy curtains were drawn over the windows and the candles were almost burnt out, shadowing the throne room in near darkness.

Rhaegar stepped through the doors quietly and the iron throne became seeable through the shadows. Aerys was hunched over on it, muttering nonsense as he watched something at bottom of the steps.

Rhaegar followed his father's gaze which landed on a shadow of a man emerging from the darkness with a golden sword. Aerys stood for defend himself but the knight swiftly slashed his golden sword across his throat.

The king dropped to the floor, scratching at his throat frantically as he attempted to crawl down the steps, leaving a horrific trail of smeared blood behind him. The crown tipped of his head and clanged down the rest of the steps, landing at Rhaegar's feet.

He stared down at the crown once worn by King Aegon the Unworthy then King Daeron before it found its way into his father's head. A large and heavy crown of gold, on each of its points a dragon's head with gemstone eyes. He would wear a different crown when he became king, a new commissioned crown that had never sat upon another man's head.

Rhaegar never had to pick up the crown or see who the knight was before he fell through the floor and landed in deep murky water. He accidentally swallowed some water and more went up his nostrils.

He held his breath and tried swimming to the shore but his legs felt weighed down. He was sinking further under the water, everything got darker and he began seeing glistening rubies and specks of blue sinking down with him.

Something metal clanged against his head and swept past him. It took him a moment to recognise it as his father's crown. He reached out to grab it but as soon as his fingers grazed over one of the sharp edges he shot up in his bed, covered in sweat and breathing heavily.

He wasn't sure how long he sat there in his bed, taking deep breaths and trying to decipher his dream that obviously prophetic. He didn't want to forget it and needed to write it down to reflect back on later.

"My prince?" A voice called from beyond his tent.

"Come in," he shouted back, rubbing his hands over his sweaty face.

Jon Connington stepped into his tent, dressed in blue and bronze silks with his wavy auburn hair tied back. "The king has demanded your presence."

"Let him know I'll be there soon." Rhaegar told him. "I need time to get ready. You don't suppose it's important, do you?"

Jon shrugged. "He seems chipper, my prince. He even jested with Lord Chelsted earlier and plans to make an appearance at the jousts later today."

Rhaegar grimaced as he pushed away his sheets and sat on the edge of his bed. "That's odd."

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