Games and more!

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What it is:

In order to become a skilled writer, you must first learn to tell a story. Storytelling isn’t an easy skill to learn: it requires learning the different parts of a story, how to move a plot along, and also how to use your voice to make that story exciting and engaging to the audience. 

The Fortunately-Unfortunately game is a fun storytelling game that practices adding details to the plot of a simple story. Adding details to both their characters and their stories is something many writers need to work on.

In this game, though, the most important thing is quick thinking, not creating a logical story, which can make for some pretty ridiculous tales!

How it works:

1•  Gather all your players together and tell them you’re going to combine your creative efforts to tell a story of adventure that has a number of plot twists to it.

2•  Explain the meaning of the words "fortunately" and "unfortunately" for the players who aren't familiar with those words.

For the purpose of this game, the word "fortunately" can be explained as a word that is used to foreshadow a stroke of good luck coming the character’s way. Similarly, "unfortunately," can be explained as a word that will be used to introduce some really bad luck happening to the character.

3•  Begin the game by stating a sentence about the character. It doesn’t have to hold a lot of information, but it needs to be strong enough to start a story. For instance, you might say: "Amanda walked into a store to buy a new pair of shoes."

4• Pass the story on to the next player who needs to add a sentence beginning with "Unfortunately." The next player might add on a sentence like, "Unfortunately, she walked into a pet store by mistake."

5• The next player then adds to the story with a sentence beginning with "Fortunately..." For instance, the player might say, "Fortunately, Amanda had been looking for a new dog, too."

Citation: Internet

So as you see, this is a matter of give or take. :)


Now this is the standard way of prompt writing. Every once in two weeks we will provide you with one  prompt and you expand it with your own ideas and style.

Submit your prompt on our discord server by the end of that week, and the best written prompt will be presented on this platform.

However, the advantage here is not just for the best writer, who will have the opportunity to promote one of their published works on our book.

Every single participant will have their prompt idea critiqued by our handlers who will minutely disclose to you every thing that made your prompt expansion good, and everything that didn't.

These prompts will vary from genres to genres and level by level.

We will start with the standard beginner's level, from where the levels will get harder and harder according to our pace.



For the time being, both of the above games will be held on our discord server only.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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