The Accident

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When we were done I smelled something like gasoline everyone knew what was up then there was a explosion and all of us went down and I held on to Zach to protected him the best i could.I heard Screams and yells of pain and I was only of those yells of pain I saw a huge plank of wood on my back and my legs.Zach was under my neck but I wasn't squishing him he was old enough to crawl and I said "Zach...Crawl to the Exit and tell.....Ross and Trott...I'm hurt ok please....Do it for daddy",He nodded and crawled to the exit and i laid there blood everywhere.I couldn't breath because of the smoke and ash I thought it was the end of my and watched my life fade in front of my eyes and I heard a teen yelling my name "SMITH!...SMITH WHERE ARE YOU!",i yelled as loud as I can since the plank was on my back and pushing my stomach to the ground "I'M OVER....HERE HELP!",After a couple of seconds a teen boy maybe 16 came and said "oh..Shit ok just...calm down i'll help you",the smoke was starting to get to him and he got the plank of my back then off my legs and he had a cart with him to put me on but i couldn't move and I said "Mate i ....can't move...Did Zach make it out",he looked at me and said "Yes he said and i rushed in before the others and then the doors collapsed but I know a back door to get out",i nodded and i tried to get up and he helped me and i got on the table in 5 minuets and i laid on my stomach because on my back and legs and he ran with the cart and out of a back door and he was couching really bad and he said "don't worry Smith I'll get your friends are all out safe but Trott has a broken leg but everyone else is fine",We finally got out and he ran to the parking lot where everyone was at and he yelled still couching "HERE (Cough) I FOUND HIM (Cough)",everyone Ran over and he said "I found him with a (cough) wood plank crashed on his back and legs (Cough)",I was coughing too but add blood and the ambulance came and took me,Zach,Trott, and the teen to the hospital but i blacked out.I woke up to whispering and the heart monitor beeping *Beep*   *Beep*   *Beep* man my heart was at a slow pace maybe just trying to refill all the blood I lost,My eyes fluttered open and I can see Ross,Trott,Lewis,Duncan,Simon and I can see tom and the Teen who saved me and Zach sleeping in my arms "Guys shh he's awake',I looked around and i was in a hospital bed and I had tubs going in and my arms and legs and i said but my voice was dry and squeaky from low on water or something like that "What.....Happened',the teen smiled and said "there was a Explosion and I found you by your son saying you needed help and i saw you with a wooden plank on your back and it was pinning your legs down so you couldn't move so me and your son Saved your ass back there',I smiled and looked at my son who was sleeping and I nudged him a bit and he screamed "DADDY!",And hugged me tight and I couldn't hug him by the tubes on my arms.

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