Coda and Zach Bros forever

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Coda and Zach are clued together like they were brothers but there considered Cousins since Trott me and Smith are like brothers from another mothers.Coda teaches Zach about allot of things to love and to be awear and lets just say allot of Nerf wars has been in the office and Smith is know use to his new leg well...Leg bone and is walking and he can run faster which is remarkable and awesome But I found out Coda always where long sleeves or jackets to cover his arms or hands and we are all worried about him so we finally wanted to talk to him."Coda can you come to the common room for a second mate!",I yell for him and he comes in like 1 minuet with Zach behind him and i called him over to have a seat and Lewis spoke first "Why do you wear long sleeves and jackets all the time friend",Coda rubs his arm like in guilt and then i spoke "You can tell us mate we wont judge" Coda sighed and told us the story of when he was little and was here and there orphanage to orphanage going to different ones around the world and he started cutting until he had enough money to come to minecon and that's when I adopted him and i was sad for the kid or teen "But I don't cut anymore I'm happy maybe over happy to have the best family and a little bro", As he said the last part he messed up Zach's hair.After that happened we continued our day making videos but smith couldn't make any yet we wanted to sup rise the fans and such when we were all done and most people went home we stayed and we made one more video for the night.e

(R=Ross S=Smith T=Trott C=Coda Z=Zach)

R=Hello and welcome to a special video giving you some news now you all now Smith is in a Coma but-

S=(Walks in the door still limping) Hey Mate what you trying to do to me say i'm dead if so make my funeral BITCH!


R=So Smith woke up earlier today and i got a adopted son come here Coda

C=Woof woof I'm your bitch woof woof

T=Yea Ross he's your bitch so stop treating your son like a fucking dog mate


S=Yes and I had bone replacement surgery so if anyone messes with me GET'S MY LEG UP THEIR ASS GOT IT

(Everyone stopped talking)


C=i'm not messing with them I'm everyone Bitch!

R=Wow your my bitch and my son not the losers

Z=(kicks Ross in the balls) Told you NOT TO MESS WITH MY BITCH!

Ross=Falls to the floor clutching his ping pongs (yes i sometimes call them ping pongs)


T=Well welcome back smith and hello Coda now i think this video is done

Camera truns off*

After I fall to the floor holding my men balls I say "i'm..Sorry I'm the Babies bitch too!.


well that just happened best video we made since the first video we made on the hat Films channel.After Ross's Balls were fine we all went home and Zach dosen't sleep in a crib he sleeps on a pull on bed next to my bed and we all went to bed.I woke up and remember it was Zach's Birthday so I made a Cake which said Happy birthday Ass kicker and we had presents sent from the guys at the towers and alot of Fans and I was going to send everyone of those fans a thank you card and Sign it for them.After everything was all set Zach woke up and we all screamed "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZACH",She smiled and jumped in my arms and I held him even my leg was being weighed down more and it hurt but i didn't care,Zach said "So what we do first",We all thought and Coda said "How about cake I think a breakfast cake is da best",We all agreed and we sang the birthday song but instead of putting Zach in the song I put ass kicker and he laughed and we ate and now present time so i decide  to make a video and we all sat on the couch

( S=Smith C=Coda T=Trott R=Ross Z=Zach)

S= hello and welcome to the birthday of the Ass kicker Zach now I know alot of you sent presents and so I will send back thank you cards to each one of you that sent presents and so lets begin.

R= (Grabs a present with a green and blue wrapping) This one says it's from it's from Katelyn (Hands Zach the present)

Z=(Opens the percent) THANK YOU She gave me a Truck set I LOVE TRUCKS!

S=They must of known I love trucks too Zach

T=(Grabs a present with a Black and Blue wrapping) this one is from Carlene from Massachusetts Wow all the way across the world Daaaame (Hands Zach the present)

Z=(Opens it) YAY she gave me a military Play set!

S=Well they also must know i was in the military

(Everyone stares at Smith)

S=What?....I was

C=Anyway this one is from Your dad

Z=(Smiles and opens the present) it's a card Coda can you read it

C=(Nods) Ass kicker my present is at HQ you'll have to wait for my suprise love Dad

Z=Dad I can't wait

S=I know I was going for that so I can be a bastard

Z=your a big bastard but not as big as uncle Sips

S=No one is a bigger bastard then Sips

S=(grabs a present with Brown and Black) This one is from Ross and Trott

Z=I could have known by the colours (British people say Colour instead of Color)

Z=(Opens the present) COOL! they got  me a mic to make Videos THANKS UNCLE ROSS AND TROTT!

(After opening like 20 presents they were done)

S=Ok all there is,Is my present so lets get to the office shall we


we were still recording and when we got to the office I led them to a room and I said "Now Zach you have to share this Room with Coda ok I made two sets",He nodded and I opened the door to revel a whole new Office named "The Hat Kids" and they Ran inside and I already bought them a green screen a 2 large desks with 6 computers each a  minecraft account and all the game we had on our computers and a couple of webcams so the room is like the livestream room and the offices "OMG THANKS DAD ,THANKS UNCLE SMITH",They both ran to me and gave me a hug and they started playing minecraft well Coda was teaching Him i know this will be the Best years of my life.

Comment down below if I should continue and what shall happen nexted I need Ideas and thanks for reading  already 65 reads and I just made da book HOLY FUCKING BITCHES OF THE WORLD!I want to thank each and everyone of you and if you want to be in the story just give me


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That's it not so hard and if you want


So thanks ounce again hope you have a wonderful week and weekend! **Lalna**

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