Pest (Alastor x pestering! Reader)

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Requested by RwbyOtaku88

(Y/N) sat on the counter in the kitchen as Alastor made breakfast. (Y/N) and Alastor had an odd relationship... in the sense that it didn't seem like they liked each other, yet the two were always together. it began to puzzle people  after a while Charlie had tried asking (Y/N) about it, to which she would just shrug and change the subject.

"Whatcha making?" (Y/N) asked swinging her legs. Alastor inhaled sharply and snapped his gaze to the (hair coloured) demon "pancakes dear" he said with a sharper tone to his voice than normal. (Y/N) fed off this

"Hmm I don't like pancakes" she said, grinning. Alastor stopped what he was doing and turned to her

"You asked me yesterday to make these for you" his smile Turing strained.

"Hm... I don't think I did" she lied, she talked on her chin as if she were thinking "nope I didn't" she said jumping off the counter "well good luck old sport" she patted him on the back harshly and walked out of the kitchen. Outside of the kitchen Angel leaned against the wall

"(Nickname) one day he's gunna kill you" angel chuckled

"Too late" she shrugged "besides he couldn't live with out my torment it keeps him going" she said dramatically

"Uh huh I'm sure that's it" angel said sarcastically. The pair of demons sat down at the bar as they chatted, a couple minutes passed as Alastor comes out of the kitchen, a clearly annoyed look was spread across his face 

"Al you look...happy?" She laughed. Alastor groaned and sat beside Angel on the stools

"No indeed not happy dear" he said for the first time sombrely

"Oh no why's that?" She asked playing dumb

"There's a stack of pancakes in the kitchen for you that I spent the whole morning making that you don't want" he said. (Y/N) stifled a laugh

"That I spent the whole morning making" she tried to make her voice sound like his which got a laugh out of husk. Alastor's eye twitched.

"Pardon me (Y/N) but are you mocking me?" He asked his eyes turning to dials and a Red Cross appearing on his head. Alastor had never called her by her name before, she'd also never seen him this worked up before. Her heart sank in fear but it was kind of funny to her that she could get to him so much

"Me? Never Alastor" she said innocently her voice threatening to tremble as she spoke, she refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing her fear. He just seemed to get angrier and angrier becoming more demonic by the second. (Y/N) stood up

"Haha well pleasure chatting with you gentlemen I'm off to bed" she said as she began to walk away, still angered Alastor grabbed her arm

"Come with me" he said. She gulped and nodded, following him to what looked to be his room. He opened the door and pulled her in, he seemed to calm down slightly once they got in he straightened his bow tie and patted down his jacket

"Sorry for loosing my sanity dear but we need to chat" he said. (Y/N) snorted holding back a laugh

"I got you that worked up?" She laughed "that's hilarious." Alastor began to get annoyed again and his smile turned sinister once again, (Y/N)s laugh subsided quickly as he walked up to her, her grabbed her chin with one hand and forced her to look at him

"Dear I suggest you listen to me" his eyes turning to dials and the X appearing on his forehead once again. (Y/N) nodded and gulped he went back to normal.

"Lovely, as I was saying I suggest you stop it with these games you keep playing" he said looking down at her

"You know how I feel about you yet you continue to make a mockery of me" he said "usually I don't take well to things like that..." he thought "for you I've let it slide long enough sweets" he said as she sat down on the bed with out breaking eye contact

"What do you-" he cut her off

"You'll need to do something for me and perhaps I'll forget about it" he said, she swallowed hard

"I request your presence tomorrow night at Mimzy's club" his face turned gentle and he sat down beside her "for a date"

She looked at him for a second, confused "what?" She asked

"I'd like to take you out tomorrow night...please" he asked looking away

"Yes! I- I mean...sure yeah o-okay" she said, surprised she had such an effect on him. He looked at her with a light red hue across his cheeks

"Well I'll walk you to your room doll" he said, regaining his composure

"Thank you Alastor" she stood up and looked at him

"I'm sorry if I scared you" he said "wasn't my intention I just get a little carried away sometimes"

"It's okay Al" she laughed softly "I was the one who got carried away" she said "you told me how you felt and I didn't know how to react...I'm scared of people getting too close so I retracted, I tried to get you to not feel that way anymore but I can't keep doing it I have feelings for you too" she said

"My darling I'm willing to be whatever you need me to be" he put his hand onto of hers. She smiled "thank you al really" as he was about to stand up (Y/N) pressed her lips against his own

"I want you to be, you" she said after she pulled away , he kissed her hand

"You're a peach doll" he smiled. (Y/N) had never seen a genuine smile on Alastor's face before his ears drooped and his eyes looked genuinely happy.

"Why thank you sir" she stood up "shall we be off then?" She laughed. He chucked and shook his head

"Of course dear" he said, the pair of demons walked to her room before saying goodnight

"Goodnight Alastor" she smiled, kissing his cheek

"Goodnight my dear I will be looking forward to tomorrow night" she said as he walked down the hall "8:30, sharp" he said from down the hall

"Yes sir" she laughed before closing the door.

A/N- Anyways that was so short I'm at my dads hunting cabin rn so kinda don't have good data, also I hate it hereeee but there's a lake so we're vibing anyyyyways might post another story tonight well see. And sorry to the person who requested this it's a little different from what you asked

My Little Deer  (Alastor x Reader Oneshots)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang