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Lacy had a skip in her step. Her shimmery white dress brushed her ankles, her soothing voice, like every other trainee, was in a happier tone than usual. Her smile was a mile wide, and her wand was by her side, twirling only as a wand meant for that hand can twirl.

It was Lacy's graduation today, from the School of Fairy Godmothers. She had been a GM in training, and after a lot of struggle, she was finally past her grueling exams. Although she was graduating today, as has been the tradition for the past 10000 years, each graduate will need to grant one wish before officially being declared as an inductee.  She knew she could do it, and she was determined to go with a bang! Nothing could go wrong today. Her best friend, Audrey, sat beside her, and they both shared excited smiles. 

Soon, GM's in training sat on their seats, and Godmother Elder Marcella, their principal, took the stage. 

"A very happy morning to you trainees! I hope you are excited for your journeys into the future, and i know, that each and every one of you today has been waiting for this day for long. I am sure that all of you will perform excellently and make this school proud. Without further ado, i would like to call Stella Woise on the stage, to give her speech as a valedictorian of this year!"

Ugh, Lacy thought. Stella the bitch had made her life hell in this school. But, now that she was free of this bullshit school rule, she would outshine Stella today. She would be the one to give the most beautiful wish, and surpass the valedictorian, and take revenge for all the bullying she had to go through for years, by embarrassing Stella on her big day.  

"And as we all embark on this fantastical...."

Blah Blah Blah, she just wouldn't stop talking. Take a break already you two mouth donkey!

Thank You, Stella. Now i would like to invite each trainee on the stage, where they will receive their assigned human's case on the projector, and as you all know, you will have to complete their wish in the most beautiful way possible. These humans have a pure heart, and deserve the best. Do them justice, and all the best to you all!" Said Elder M.

Slowly, each trainee made their way up, and their case was displayed on the projector for everyone to see. As soon as the projector shut the case, the related fairy cast a spell, and soon, they saw the wish granted for the human. Elders also scored them on the beauty of the spells. Stella, as always, much to Lacy's displeasure, scored the highest rank. It's not over yet, i'll wait my turn. She thought.

"Lacy Burne!"

Audrey gave her an encouraging smile and a secret 'You got this'. She climbed the steps slowly, while students behind her snickered. Everyone knew how clumsy and mistake prone Lacy was. They almost knew something would go wrong with her. 

Lacy was nervous. Her determination to outshine Stella now seemed insignificant, but she gathered herself. She would do this, and no one can stop her. She has stayed up nights, perfecting the most complicated spell, whose beauty cannot be compared to others. It was created by Elder M herself. The basic words to the spell were same as the others, but the casting was difficult. One wrong movement of the wand and the spell can be altered. 

Soon, she saw a girl of around 20/21 years of age look at a shooting star. She appeared to be tired and unhappy.  She had wished for her life to be as exciting, adventurous and beautiful as her favorite novel. Lacy was determined to make it happen. She would make this girl fall in love with a rich man, have a love triangle, have lots of personal accomplishments on the journey too. Lacey could do it. She would give this girl the most perfect life anyone had seen.

She brought out her wand, and murmured the spell. As soon as her hand spun, everyone gasped, because they knew the complexity of the spell. Glitter and sparks shot everywhere, creating a magnificent view. Everything was going well, and Madame M was silently proud at Lacy for dong this. As soon as the spell was about to end, however, Lacy got confident, and opened her eyes and looked directly at Stella, as if to say I won, bitch, but that was enough for everything to slip out of her hands. As soon as Lacy lost her concentration, the hand which was supposed to flick to the right, flicked left, and Elder M gasped, hands on her mouth, as everyone gaped, realizing the same thing.

Lacy has just reversed what the spell was meant to do. She had granted the human's wish, but in the opposite way. Lacy was white as a ghost. Her wand slipped through her hand, and fell to the ground. One message displayed on the projector.

"Wish Granted."

And all hell broke loose.

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