Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The sound of grunts and heavy breathing filled the room. The night was dark outside, city pollution blocking any stars. Lana stared at the ceiling, lost in thoughts. The familiar pattern of clouds was old, and comforting.

"Oh yes..." She said, rather sighed, as bland as boiled broccoli. Anyone with a semblance of a mind could figure out the lack of enthusiasm and pleasure in her voice. That is, everyone except Romero, her Italian Fuck Buddy, who was, although very nice to look at, severely lacking in some departments, and not recognizing emotions was just one of those departments.

"Yeah Baby, you feel good? Of course, you do, I feel good too. Aah!" Romero grunted out, continuing with his movements. Lana simply nodded her head, urging him closer by wrapping her arms around his shoulders. She was counting. As always, as soon as four minutes were up, she heard the sound of climaxing from the male above her, and falsely copied his enthusiastic orgasm. It was borderline funny, but because she was the one who was underneath him, she did not feel like laughing at her own expense.

Romero laid on the bed, panting and slick with sweat, and how he achieved this amount of strain, in four minutes of activity, Lana had no idea. Either he put his heart and soul into it, or those barely visible abs were just some good contouring. Lana decided to leave him to catch his breath, and went to the bathroom to freshen up herself after her tryst. She was feeling particularly under the weather, more so than she normally does, and she knew she needed a healthy dose of best friend therapy.

She called up Jasmine, and to her relief, her best friend immediately picked up the call. She could hear sounds of the TV, from her bedroom, and knew that the chance of eavesdropping was low.

"Hey Jas, I need backup. Stat."

"Woah, is it about Romeo? Don't tell me Jr Romeo left his Juliet stranded... again" She half snickered; half talked back.

"Kind of? Listen, ROMERO aside, I really need a JaLa session today. Come over?"

"Ok I can pretty much sense something wrong, I will be there in 15. But, how will you make Romeo go away?" Jasmine asked, already starting to ready herself.

"That's up to me. You now have 13 minutes left. Chop Chop." Lana said, knowing it would irritate Jas.

"Oh Jeez. Anything else you would like to order my ass to do, My Lady?" Jas replied, sarcasm quite evidently reflecting in her words. 

"Fuck Off." Lana replied, well aware of her friend's antics by now. The sound of the phone hanging up echoed in her ear, and Lana quickly wore Romero's shirt, and went out to see him sprawled over the bed, flicking through channels.

"Hey Rome? I just had a talk with Jas, and she is coming over in a bit. She sounded like she needed my help, so I told her to come over. Do you mind our night cutting short here?" Lana said, lying straight through her teeth. It was one of her talents, and she knew just when to use it.

"Is everything alright with her, Lana?" Romero asked, sounding genuinely concerned, but doing as she asked, starting to collect his stuff from the room.

And that, is what stopped Lana to just end everything with him. Jasmine, as her very blunt nature dictates, has advised Lana many times to tell Romero to take a hike, in not so pleasant words, but Lana simply could not bring herself to do so. Romero might not be the best in bed, but he was a very genuine and likable person. He knew what they had was not exclusive by any means, but he still treated her with utmost respect. It was not his fault that Lana acted like he brought her pleasure, in fact she was pretty sure he would cater to her needs in another way if she did not fake her way through, but Lana knew that she would still not do it. And part of the blame goes to herself as well.

"I don't know, Rome. I'll let you know about our plans for later though. For sure." Lana replied, still half in her thoughts; taking off Romero's shirt and giving it back to him.

"Okay L. Call me up whenever you're free. Take care." Romero replied, hugging her, before leaving through the apartment door, sending her a warm smile which had helped him get into Lana's pants in the first place.

Lana decided to take a shower and as usual, got lost in her thoughts while going through the motions unconsciously. Lana was a very self-critical person, and although she was not clinically suffering from anxiety, her brain did think too much, and too loud. Some things have been bugging her lately, and Lana wanted to discuss it with Jasmine. She could not discuss it with her parents, and even if she occasionally talked to them through their photo, she knew she couldn't get a reply in return. Heaven did not have a call service yet. 

Lana has always wanted to be independent, and In order to achieve her goals, she has suppressed many desires in her heart. After her rendezvous with Romero today, she had come to a startling realization. Her life was absolutely fine. As a decently earning Financial Analyst, with a 2-bedroom apartment in Manhattan and in a busy neighborhood, with enough money in her savings for herself, and a constant sex life; she had very less to complain about. But that was just it. She knew, deep down, that just fine was not what she wanted. And by calling Jasmine over, she hoped that hearing it from her best friend would urge her to do something about it, even if the chances are slim.

Her thoughts had taken her far away, and now she was ready, with her auburn fine hair hanging wet and limp down her back, dark brown eyes tired, and her slightly more than needed full figure staring at her back. It was an admittedly cliché moment, her staring into the mirror, and coming to realizations, like some heroine in a movie. But what if that was exactly what she needed? Some beautiful novel worthy clichés to make her life slightly more happening than the 50- year old Mr Baker downstairs?

The doorbell rang, and she went to the door, ready for a session with her therapist-cum-Best Friend, Jasmine.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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