Why me?

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Bakugo's pov


I wake up to my alarm clock sounding more like a fire alarm. I groaned and turned it off. It smelt of liquor in the house."damn mom drinking again"I mumbled under my breath as I started to get ready school. I  brushed my teeth and decided to skip doing my hair so it wasn't spikey it was kinda like half and half's hair. I took the bandages off my arms and replaced them with new ones.I had cut a little too much yesturday so I decided to not cut right now.I put on a long sleeve under my uniform shirt and grabbed my backpack.I made my way downstairs to find a bunch of beer bottles scattered across the living room. I found my mom sleeping on the couch.I made breakfast for her and left a note for her saying I would clean the house today. I skipped breakfast because mina told me I was getting fat and to loose weight because she won't be friends with a fat pig.

3rd person pov


Katsuki walked into the gates of U.A and already started getting nasty looks from other students. He tried not to think anything of it as today he didn't feel like getting into any fights. He made his way to class 1A doors and opened them. He didn't see anyone there except Iida, momo, and todoroki. "Ugh he's gonna cause trouble again tenya. I was really hoping he wasn't going to come today, now your going to have extra work by making sure he behaves right?" Momo whispered to Tenya."Aizawa always makes sure h e  behaves so I don't really have to do that. You shouldn't be talking like that about him, he's your classmate" Iida whispered back. Momo shot a nasty look  to katsuki and seeing that he looked  frightened a bit made her feel awesome. Todoroki saw what had happened but had not done anything about it. Katsuki made his way to his seat and all of a sudden someone pushed him.he managed to not fall and looked back to see the dekusquad (excluding  todoroki). He ignored them and sat down on his seat, which made them furious that he ignored them."Hey! what the hell was that?!" uraraka yelled in his face. He was silent."Do you wanna fight or something?!!?!". He was silent.She raised her fist  when all of a sudden...."U-uraraka d-d-don't fight h- him.H-he'll bully y- y-you l -like he did t-to m-me"Ducking deku. Always  telling lies. Katsuki stood up and faced izuku. "I never did that...you liar" the blond mumbled. Tsuyu pushed katsuki to the ground."He's not a liar! kero" "Your the liar you  ugly fag!!"uraraka yelled as she kicked him on the side."Uraraka! violence not how you solve things"Iida said as he calmed her down. 


what a lovely way  to start the day off 


Hello! I made this book because quarantine be making me sad :(so instead of reading depressing bakugo fanfic, why not write my own? :p

(498 words)                                                                                                                                         

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