I didn't take you for the stalking type

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Apparently theres not much of a diffrence when its morning and night in hell, I mean the sky gets slightly darker but the city still bustles with activity. You had a hard time to sleep becuase of this, and someone screamed really load outside. so now your awake at 7 am, you decided to go down stairs.
     But, maybe thats not the best idea, You should really shower first. So lets see, there was two doors on each side of the far wall. You walk over to the one on the left- its a decently sized closet with a full rack of nice looking dresses and fancey shoes under them, You pick out a  blue dress that has, yellow and pink flowers at the bottom of it. you notice theres a matching set of blue slip ons as well, you grab the shoes and dress and set them on your bed. Now the right door was the Bathroom, inside was lovely counter tops with big fluffy towels under the sink. The shower was a spacious stand up one. It had a baby sized shower rack containing name-brand looking items.

For a hotel just starting, it sure does have alot of expensive stuff... or is that becuase im their second guest? I guess.
You do the whole routine, hair, face, then body. 'its intresting how everything is a tone of blue,' you thought. 'Its weird how hell works.'

You dry off and open the door, there was a letter sticking upward between the shoes you sat on your bed. 'Its a letter, I dont have to open it immeaditly', You decided while throwing on the dress (though it was with difficulty because of the new horns on your head), 'But I have to say- who the heck got in here? there's the key I was given, then the spare that I'm pretty sure is locked up somewhere', you didn't exactly feel like there was another person in the room - when you were in the shower and even now - you dont exactly know how someone could have gotten in there.

You set the letter aside and put on your slip on shoes. You happen to take notice of the fancy writing on the letter, cursive, you were lucky you still remembered how to read it (not that you could write it too well),
             "𝔉𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔄𝔩𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯

                 𝔗𝔬 (𝔶/𝔫)"

That's even more intresting.
'How does he even have a way into the rooms?   Why was he in my room out of all of them?'

'Well, I guess let just get on with it.' you thought exasperatedly, It was alot of writing. But the main point of Alastor's letter was that he invited me over to have a 'Fine Dining' experience with him. We would have time to talk and get to become friends, 'is alastor the type that wants to make friends?' Though the big con would be that, you would be completely alone with him sense the crew got a second chance at the news station and want to bring everyone, While Alastor choose to opt out.

'man, way to go for making me feel like im forced to acompany him', A knock at the door was heard.

"Darling! I know your up, and I wanted to discuss with you about our evening~"

It was too perfectly timed- another big question was asked of oneself today, 'Is Alastor a stalker?'

A long Fall to Paradise (Alastor x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now