Nap on Lap, success

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I stared suspisicously at the door- like if I was in the position to make a slap threat, I would make it. 

"I know your awake, dear. If you don't come out now- *I'll just barge in there*!" spoken in a hastey but gentlemenly fashion,

'no door's need to be punished becuase of me', I thought. "Im coming, Alastor. Dont break anything." you said while jogging torwards the door, you unlock it and slide it open to see Alastor in a very dashing suit.

"Oh, dear~ save compliments for this evening", he said in an embaressed way. So maybe you said something outloud. whoops.

"I- uh, Sorry?", (how to be dumby 101)

 "Darling, seeing you all flustered is just too adorable for me~", said in a prideful manner, while he grabed your arm and led you out the doorway, "Now let's go downstairs, make fun of sinners, cook a little. It'll be fun. " He pushes you towards the stair well, "just You and Me."

(Time skip becuase of slightly zoning out reader)

snap, snap. a wave of a big black and red hand, it was Alastor's

"Darling, this just wounds me. How can you lose track of time while just going down a flight of stairs?", Alastor said with a tone of saddness, but Immeadetly perking up, "But don't worry, I'll give you speacial treatment"
I really think thats a bad and good thing.... But hey what the heck is a little wrong with a little speacial treatment- Am I Right?

We stopped moving and were in front of a more cozy looking enrance area, 'Did Al do this?'
The room had been rearanged so it looked like a livingroom (hahaha). There was a rug under the couch, there was a T.V aswell. 'Should I ask then? why so much for just me?, Wait wouldn't that be rude?'

"Darling it seems your having a toss up in your head," Alastor said while staring straight at you now, "A penny for your thoughts?" He squatted down so he was close to eye level with me, 'I guess it would makeit easier to see if im off playing it'

"You don't seem like the kinda guy that would go out with this much effort to make the place look nice", your voice got quieter and quieter, until you muttered the last word. Alastor gently grabs my face with both hands (which pretty much left not alot of face left- like his hands are long)

"I see where your coming from, but like I said earlier, Darling your a special case", His eyes became softer, "Lets play a game, Darling. Do you know how to play rummy?"

He get up from his squat and he does this flip thing with his hand and theres cards there suddenly, 'I think my eyes got wider or something cuase his smile did too'

So, we didn't exactly get to do the stuff Alastor wanted to do. We played cards for a long time until he realized I needed to eat still (You had nothing to eat since dinner the previous night). Alastor decide it was to late to go somewhere to eat so he summound something (somehow) and we played cards at the table, when we got done I got sort of tired and Alastor picked out a book for us too read on the couch,

||An Alastor Pov?||

The little darling is remarkable, she's rendered me weak- and she has no idea.

'Though the feelinng has to be mutual' I thought, 'The little darling fell asleep on my lap, she looks quiet comfortable', Alastor thought while peering down at her face and horns. 'The way she is lying down would put a crink in her neck and this just absoulutely wont do, this cannot pass for a bed.' A quick snap of fingers and the two were in your room with (y/n) in his arms.

'She smells nice', An unfiltered thought ran awry, 'Though I would have to admit it she does'

You sat her dow on her bed and removed her shoes, then tucked her into the covers. You sat beside her on the bed,

"What have you done to me you, little thing?" a whisper, then gone

or maybe- perhaps the closet, were not sure.

A long Fall to Paradise (Alastor x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now