The First Piece Of Paradise

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The two of you appeared in a forest, it was swampland to be exact. You didn't mind the fact you just didn't know why you were here. That was initially until Alastor decided to flip you around and you saw a huge house in a clearing up ahead. The house had a dark color theme going with it, the front door appeared to be dark oak, the window frames were dark oak as well. The house was painted a sorta gray brick red, it was the nearest equivalent at the least. The roofing was more blended in with the surrounding foliage, I guess to keep it hard to notice from people in an aerial view.

"Why did we appear here and not a little closer to that front door?" You honestly didn't want Alastor to ruin a nice pair of dress shoes for you, 'maybe thats what I could get him.'

He looked at you and smiled, "I thought it would be a nice change of pace from the average, 'Lets go to town and see another tourist attraction," he continued to walk closer to the house by walking on the rocks. He seemed to be thinking something while he swayed you around while walking with you in his arms.

"Welcome to my home, dear." He walked up the steps and on the porch it seemed that his shadow came to life.

You reacted immediately and tightened your hold on his neck and raised your voice, "OH MY, Alastor is that supposed to do that!?"

"Yes," his smile in its full glory was displayed on his face when he walked through the door, opened by a generous shadow.

"Has it always done that?" Your grip still tight on him, and his smile couldn't get bigger so it got smugger instead.

"Always, dear," You could practically hear the humorous tone.

"I just didn't know your literal Shadow can move on it's own," in a grumpy tone you replied to him. It's obvious that you would be frightened over it, it's a shadow.

He petted your head once again, "Dear, my beloved flower, you do know some demons are called overlords because their powerful, either in the social ranks, the physical, and sheer power." 

He sat you down, you looked down and saw that he in fact had an absence of a shadow, which made you a little scared to look back. 

"You do know I'm an Overlord, right?" He seemed a little concerned but he had a look on his face that gave an odd feeling.

"I knew you possessed ability's," your voice was softer, "I just wanted you to know that I don't care about your status too much. I want to know you more as a person and not as an Overlord."

His face relaxed, and he smiled softly at you, "You might be the sweet talker here. Let's go sit down, I feel we've been standing here too long."

He linked fingers with your hand and went down a large hall that had lovely wood floors, and thank goodness no granite counter tops. The walls were dark red and decorated with various paintings and pictures of the landscapes and wild bucks with super larger horns, there were both depictions of hell and earth. Though all the earth pictures were paintings, it makes sense. Alastor didn't have modern lights, but it seemed the rooms and halls were lighted perfectly without a single candle lit.

While walking you felt it was too quiet, "You have a lovely home, Al. I can tell you live here for sure."

"Why thank you, and I believe that's the point for a home... to live in it." Alastor seemed like he was remembering something and quickly shook his head. You wanted to ask about it, but you didn't want to ruin the moment you both were sharing so you stayed silent, deciding to ask about it later.

Alastor led you and his shadow down the hall, pass two doors, a large living room. Then to a very spacious kitchen, with the stereotypical screen door that led to a large porch. His backyard wasn't fenced in, you could see a pond, too.

"Hey, Alastor? What's the point of putting such a nice home in a swamp? Wouldn't it sink in?"

"Dear I actually used to live in a swamp, well, my family used to live in a fairly large house. I decided it was time to be on my own around my 20's and had a shack in the swamp. And for the sinking matter," He faced you and gave you a teasing face, "that's a secret, lovely."

"Let's sit,"  there was a double seater swing you didn't notice, it was located on the porch.

Alastor was quick with sitting down first and picking you up again to set you on his lap. You were faced so that Alastor would be on your side. There was a gentle rise and fall in his chest, he sighed heavily then relaxed further into the cushion.

"It's been awhile since I've been on the swing," you happened to notice that the swing(him) was super comfortable. 

You didn't really notice before but it became pretty clear that there was a lot of animals inside the swamp. Those little cricket chirps, the occasional growl or movement from an alligator. Then a single call from a frog or toad. 

You asked softly, "Could it always be like this?"

There was a pause in his breathing before he replied to you.

"I feel you don't truly understand the implications behind that dear," he quickly ruffled your hair, "but once you do, I'll say yes."

A long Fall to Paradise (Alastor x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now