Aido ending

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"I figured out who I love and it's you aido"- as you looked at him smiling
"I'm so happy you've chosen me"-aido as he looked you smiling he pulled you closer to him
"Aido I was fool to not realize I loved you it's always been you"-y/n
Your POV
After saying that I got a bit embarrassed and he knew. His hands were on my waist and he put one hand on my neck and pulled me in a sweet kiss.
"I'm the luckiest person alive to have you in my arms"-aido
"All the hardships are over my heart and stomach feel lighter back then I felt stressed most of the times but now that I'm with you my worries are over"-y/n
"I will make you happy each day and be loyal to you my heart and eyes will belong to you"-Aido
Time skip
Aido pov
My gorgeous wife always has a way to get my attention. But even when she glances at me it's like the first time seeing her all over again. As I laid with her she woke up and noticed I was looking at her
"Why are you awake aido are you hungry"-y/n
"No it's not that I was just admiring your beauty"-Aido
She was going to say something but our four kids caught us being cheesy with eachother and she got so red.
"We'll just leave"- all the kids
"I love you aido"-y/n
"Love you to"-aido

Vampire knight X reader (Real world)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora