Chapter 9: The Failed

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It was a cold, rainy day walking back to the order. I was freezing cold, holding my arms as I walked back in. The halls were vacant as I always remembered. It was silent and silence is always suspicious. I slowly walked back to my room and took off my wet clothes and placing them neatly on my bed. I opened my suitcase since I still haven't unpacked, and got out tank top and short shorts. The shorts weren't Jean but for training purposes.
I sighed holding my arm walking to Komuis office. What would he say to me? I mean I failed two missions! Plus I have an exorcist to the Clan of Noah!
That word ran through my body as if it stabbed me itself.
"Stop thinking that." I heard a voice as I turned and saw Kanda standing there.
"K-Kanda?!" I looked at him in shock.
"I can read you, I haven't forgot how hard you are on yourself..." He looked at me.
"B-because I know I failed!" I started to walk off when he grabbed my shoulder.
"Yu! Let go!" I tried to squirm away.
"Haven't you forgot we've been training for pretty much ever?!"
"Well now you care since you neglected me in the cafeteria a few days ago!"
"You know how I am when I eat my soba!"
"W-whatever..." I shrugged him off and glared at him before walking off.
Think he can suddenly care for me!? Pfft! Kanda there is so much you don't know...
I tried to run back to my room until someone grabbed my arm and drew me into a hug. He was taller than me and smelled fabulous.
"L-Lavi!? What the hell?!" I tried to pull away but it wasn't a match for Lavi's strength.
"Shhhh...." He said softly holding me close to his body. "You didn't fail the mission, trust me."
"B-but I didn't bring back any innocence! And I burned down a damn tavern!" I could feel warm tears coming from my eyes.
"You saved some souls, they're in a better place and that's all that matters, right?!"
I could feel warmth with his touch, like I never want to let go. I could feel my tears falling down my cheeks. I couldn't show signs of weakness, but I am.
"Hey don't cry, it can't be that bad." he held on to my shoulders as he leaned over and looked me in the eye.
"Try giving a Noah an exorcist and tell me how you feel." I folded my arms and looked away in anger and disappointment towards myself.
"You get used to it, Shaun and Tyki are just two different people." He stood straight up and looked around.
I didn't say anything, I couldn't. I wasn't gonna move anywhere, not even attempt that. With Lavi, I just feel more safe, that's all. I don't know though...its like it's forsaken love. I can't love Lavi. it's against the Bookman Clan. They can't have any personal relationships...
"You're in a deep thought. I can tell." Lavi spoke after awhile,"tell me Kya, what's on your mind."
"I'm not speaking." I said stubbornly.
"Oh c'mon, you've been in a deep thought for a while. I'm all ears." He smiled warmly making me melt.
"Nope!" I did the zip your lips thing children do.
"Please?!" He kept begging.
"Pretty please! With a cherry on top! Oh and maybe whipped cream!" He got on his knees and kept begging.
"Ever heard of no means no!?" I looked down at him trying not to laugh at his foolishness.
"Pretty please! If not I'm gonna use force!"
"Fine! Okay! I like you Lavi! I've liked you since I laid eyes on your ass! (A nice ass I might add). But I know you can't love me! I know it!" I started to cry again as I ran off to my room and slammed my door. I went to the corner and slid down the walls bringing my knees to my chest.
It's forsaken. It's not going to happen...dammit! I told myself I wouldn't fall in love but....oh what would Shaun Souhait do?!
I just sobbed into my chest.


(Drumroll! It's the moment we've all been waiting for! It's the first Lavi Bookman Point of view!)

Lavi starred at the hallway towards the direction Kya ran to. He couldn't help but sigh heavily and shake his head.
It can't be true... He thought, she's just saying that to get away from me. That's all.
He walked back down the hallway towards the library. He was suppose to meet Allen and Lenalee there but he might skip. His head is now starting to spin like mad.

"Lavi, are you alright?" Lenalee asked in the library a few minutes later.
"Y-yeah fine...just....yeah." He shrugged and stared at the book. Surprisingly this book didn't interest him like every other history book.

"Something on your mind? You know you can talk to us." Allen said looking at him.

"Eh...I think I'm just gonna go." Lavi shrugged before closing his book.

"Are you sure?" Lenalee looked at him that sorta reminded him of Kya.

"Yeah.." Lavi got up and ran out of the library into his room where Bookman was going through old records.

"I can tell something is wrong, Lavi." Bookman said without looking up.

"Well I'm not gonna say anything. Without you getting all mad, old man." Lavi went to his bunk and laid down looking at the ceiling.

"If it's about that new girl, then save it."

"But why?! Why can I at least like one person?!"

"Because you're here to record history! That's it! Besides she's not even going to matter in a few years." He said coldly making Lavi more furious.

"How many women have you erased from history?! Hm? Cause I'm sure as hell you've gotten into many romantic affairs." Lavi sat up glaring at the man. Bookman didn't say anything except sigh.

"There is so much for you to learn...."

"What's that suppose to mean?!" Lavi jumped down from his bunk and looked down upon the old man.

"It means don't get involved with Kya Thomas. She seems different, dangerous. Don't talk to her anymore." Bookman finally put his records down.


"No! If you do talk to her, I can't have you in the Bookman line. You're only he-"

"Here to record history and nothing else. I got that part." He sighed and walked out of the room.

She needs to know, how I feel about her as well. I mean I wouldn't have gone through all this trouble. She's perfect. I know it's only been a few days but...there's something about her I can't..I can't let her leave.

He sighed as he walked towards the hallway pulling his headband down. He undid his scarf as the ends were on both sides of his body.

He walked up towards Kya's door and knocked when a finder came by.

"Are you looking for that Kya girl?" He said in a raspy tone.
"I am..."

"She's already on another mission with that Allen Walker guy. Komui called them down a few minutes ago. You may be still able to c-" Lavi didn't let the finder finish before he sprinted towards the docks.

I need to catch them before it's to late.

He sprinted faster and faster when he reached the docks. Allen was just about to push off when Kya looked at him, her eyes red from crying and it looked like she was gonna cry again.
Lavi jumped over a few tiny obstacles in the way as he then called her name.
"Kya..." He said on the dock of the boat.
"Save it, Junior. We can discuss this when I get back..." She folded her arms and looked away. Allen didn't say anything as he pushed off. The boat soon faded into the dark tunnel as Lavi was still on the dock looking into the water.


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