Chapter 10: The Parasite Type

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Allen Walker...of course it was the Allen Walker....I've heard about this special little parasite. His innocence was destroyed but that definitely didn't stop this kid. Proclaimed "The Destroyer of Time," but what does that mean?
You know....we are the same person, him and I. I mean face it...our eyes. They detect the souls of lost mortals deepened in sorrow. The lost of a loved one will extend the sorrow and will do anything to get them back, that's when the Earl attacks. They will do anything to get that person back but the soul of the dead consumes the living mortal...People don't realize how dangerous a death can be, they will never know. Never.

The cold air of Poland happened so fast. One moment it was nice and warm in Germany and now, this. I mean I know it's November but, does it always get this cold? It has been days since I've last seen Lavi. I feel bad for "pushing him away" but he just now figured out what he wants? I cannot love him back despite what he says or does. I don't want him to lose his Bookman privalges.

I looked straight ahead at the road as we were beginning to approach the town of Zgierz. It was a busy town but still pretty small. Horse and carriage spun around the streets, people shouting in Polish to buy their home grown products, other people having a smoke outside the local tavern. This place just felt a bit too uncomfortable and how are Allen and I suppose to find this innocence?!

"Uh remind me, how and what are we suppose to do?" I asked almost yelling cause it was so loud.

"We're suppose to find this innocence some person possessed. But she could be anywhere." Allen glanced back at me as Timcampy landed on his head.

"Or he. We won't know unless there is akuma in the area." I folded my arms and looked in ally ways. Then a girl came running past us with bread in her mouth, she looked rather poor so the bread must've been stolen..then guards came running past us as well blowing their whistles at her and yelling her to stop in Polish.

"She's the one. C'mon!" Allen grabbed my arm and pulled me to the girl. We ran through the crowd off people with Tim flying close by.

"You don't know that Allen!" I said as we ran to the girl. A sudden holt as I bumped into the white-haired exorcist for he had stopped.

"Allen what the...?!" I then shut up as my eye began to hurt like crazy. I quickly covered it as I quietly pulled my sword out. Allen also seemed to be ready with his Crown Clown in full motion. We both happened to smile at eachother as we turned to face the guards.

"Ah exorcist what a pleassssant surprise." A guard said suddenly speaking in English and a huge lisp I might add.

"Oh akuma how...distasteful." Allen sighed as the akuma turned to their true form as I saw the souls of the humans floating by the akuma. Unlike regular souls these were already failing but these akuma were level 1! I backed up before hitting another person. I turned as it was another akuma.

"A-Allen are you seeing what I'm seeing?!" I said shakily to the powerful exorcist. All he did was nod his head.

"The Earl is tired of playing games. His story is now starting to climax!" He sprinted past me stepping on an akuma and slice it straight down the middle. I took my sword as I twirled it in the air and sliced the akuma diagonally. Allen and I then faced the last one as we "destroyed" it together. I put my sword back on my back and Allen deactivated his Crown Clown.

The girl looked at both other us horrified. She seemed a few years younger, around 12. Allen walked up to her and held out his hand with a smile.

"We didn't mean to scare you, promise." He said warmly.

"I-I wasn't scared." She took his hand as he helped her up.

"Close right?" I said as Tim landed on my head, which was odd. Tim only lands on Allen's or Cross'.

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