Chapter 2

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"And she's selfish and annoying and I can barely even stand her oval-y face half the time." Jack nagged.
Hiccup narrowed an eyebrow, "You... examined her face shape?"
Jack glared at him, "The weird things I notice is not what we're talking about. I'm telling you why I hate her so much."
Hiccup rolled his eyes, "Okay but that wasn't my question."
"It wasn't? What did you say then?"
Hiccup shook his head, "Nevermind. Anyways, did you do your homework over the break?"
Jack leaned back and put his feet on top the picnic table, "You just admitted it was a break, meaning: break from homework and school.. and like, math. I'm not incorporating any math into anything I do."
"Quick what's two plus two." Hiccup asked.
"Seven." Jack confidently responded without hesitation.
Hiccup nodded, "I was unaware I was friends with a regular Einstein."
Jack flashed him a cocky grin, "Yeah, not everyone gets to know about my secret smart side, you're welcome though bro."
"Yeah, no, thanks. It's great." Hiccup mocked.
"Hey, anytime."
Silence broke out between the two.
"So... Can I copy your homework now?" Jack interrupted.
Hiccup tilted his head and looked at him, "What? No, do your own work."
Jack folded his arms, "You're the worst friend ever. I'm never gonna let you copy any of my homework when you need it."
"I think... I think I can cope with that." Hiccup responded.

The school bell rang and the students all stood spread around the room. The desks were paired in twos so naturally students were with their closest friend from that period outside a desk near eachother.
"Anna!" Rapunzel exclaimed coming in right after the tardy bell rang.
Anna was standing in the corner of a room talking to other students who weren't concerned about where they were going to sit.
Anna smiled when she seen her, "Punz!" she waved.
Rapunzel walked next to her and waved to the other students, "Hey Hans, hi Adam." she nervously smiled.
They both smiled back at her, "What's up, VP?" Hans welcomed.
Rapunzel smiled back, "Ah, nothing. Just trying to keep my title." she joked.
Adam nodded, "Yeah, with as much as you fight with Jackson it's amazing you haven't been suspended yet."
Hans eyes widened, "Dude, not cool."
Adam's eyes widened, "Did I say something wrong?"
Anna covered her mouth as she snorted.
Rapunzel laughed, "No no, Adam is right. I'm just as surprised as you are."
Anna folded her arms, "I'm not, ya see, the two are like Romeo and Juliet. We've all read the story. Romeo and Juliet never got into any bad trouble."
Adam's eyes lit up, "Oo, is that a play on words because Rapunzel and Romeo both start with R. Much like Jack and Juliet start with J?"
Hans turned to him, "How can you process these weird things that would never cross anyone's mind?"
Adam shrugged, "I just like books."
Anna clapped her hands together, "Well actually it was just a way for me to taunt Punz, but that is an excellent observation, Adam!"
Rapunzel subtly glared at Anna, "No, I'm sure the reason is just we haven't really done anything too rash, or maybe Mr. North is just really understanding."
"Maybe you're one of his favorites." Hans suggested.
Anna nodded, "Yeah, I like that. It sounds right to me."

The teacher, Mr. Monroe, walked into the classroom. Arms out to indicate his dramatic entrance.
"Yes. It is I. Alvin! The best teacher in the whole world and a regular fungi."
The class sat silent.
"Eh, you'll get that joke later." he shrugged.
"Anyways." he shouted, "I bet you're wondering why I rearranged the desks."
He scanned the room to see if anyone was showing a spark of interest.
They were not.
"I'm changing the seating arrangements for this nine weeks, everyone line up on the back wall and I'll tell you where to sit. Groups are going to be boy-girl, so brace yourselves." Most of the class groaned.
Alvin chuckled, "Yes, I know, I'm awesome, you're all welcome."
Mr. Monroe began calling people and telling them where to sit.
Rapunzel stood with her three friends in the class.
"I really hope I'm paired with one of you guys."
"Me too." Adam agreed.
"But... It's a boy and girl group... Thing." Anna stated confused.
Adam looked down at her, "We know, but Rapunzel was talking about getting paired with me or Hans. And I was speaking of you and Rapunzel."
Anna sucked in her lips, "Oh."
Hans ran his hand through his hair, "I get along well with everyone so I don't really mind."
"I just realized I'm the only one that isn't a red head here." Rapunzel bluntly stated.
Hans nudged her, "You're lucky, the red heads are the cooler ones."
Anna jumped up, "I know who Rapunzel is getting paired with."
"Who?" Adam asked.
"Jack, it's pretty basic rules." she explained folding her arms.

"Ms. Arendale, take a seat next to..." Mr. Monroe paused, "Ah, what the heck. Get in a group with Beastly. You two act pretty different."
Anna raised her hand in the air, "Sweet! I got Adam, high-five."
Adam complied and the two took a seat.
"Hey Blondie, maybe if you're lucky you can have the honor of sitting with me." Hans boasted.
Rapunzel nodded, "If only I could be so lucky. Why the only person better than you would be Gaston." she joked back.
Hans pretended to laugh, "Hit me where it hurts, comparing me to Gaston of all people. That guy bullys my son!" Hans argued as he clenched his heart in an effort to be more dramatic.
"Son?" Rapunzel asked.
"Yeah, Adam is like totally my son now. I've mentally adopted him and he's just been going with it."
Rapunzel giggled.

"Uhm... Westergaard, you sit with... Rose. Yes, that looks right."
Alvin scanned the remaining students, around half the class was left.
Him and Rapunzel made eye contact and her eyes got wide. She slowly shook her head, "Corona!" he shouted, "You take a seat with..." he searched the room again, "Ah, Mr. Ryder."
Rapunzel let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and took a seat in the next group, getting joined by her partner.
He held out his hand, "Name's Flynn Ryder, and you are?"
She narrowed her eyebrows and looked at his hand, "Rapunzel." she responded lightly grabbing one of his fingers with her index and thumb, shaking it once and putting her hand down.
"Friendly." Flynn responded after seeing her cautious greeting.
"Thank you." she said placing her bag behind her chair and unpacking her science books.
Sitting both behind and diagonally to Flynn was Jack, who was sitting beside Astrid.
Neither bothered to talk to one another and just minded their own business causing someone to get restless.

Rapunzel seen that Anna was in the row ahead of them in a group across from Flynn.
In other words, about a row in front of Jack and Astrid.
Rapunzel looked up at Flynn, "Uh... Hi, do you mind if we switch seats?"
Flynn observed where her friends were and turned to face her. He didn't want her to speak to her friends instead of him but looking into her innocent eyes made him feel bad, "Yeah, sure." he smiled as he slid his stuff to Rapunzel's desk.
As Anna was deep in conversation with Adam, Rapunzel poked her shoulder.
Anna instantly jumped and turned around.
When she seen Rapunzel's goofy smile she felt more relaxed, "Hey! We're sitting near eachother!"
Rapunzel giggled, "It appears so."

Mr. Monroe sat at his desk and turned on his computer, "Everyone get your books and other junk out to prepare for class, I'll be taking attendance."
The students obliged.

Astrid was on her phone ignoring Jack and he didn't really have any friends in this class.
But he had an enemy.
An enemy who just so happened to sit nearby.
And her head was turned sideways as she was speaking.
A perfect opportunity to do... Well... Something.
Quickly he looked around his backpack and found an old rubber band.
He then tied the band between his index finger and thumb. Creating what seemed to be a slingshot.
The only ammo he had that could prove effective was a tiny pencil that he had sharpened to the very end due to boredom.
He held the pencil in the rubber band.
Pulled back.
And released.

The intended goal was Rapunzel's cheek. To possibly leave a mark.
The led of the pencil stabbed directly into Rapunzel's eye.
Rapunzel let out a shriek and clasped her hand over her eye as a few droplets of blood came out.
"Ow-" she hollered before turning around to see what happened.
She found Jack, frozen. Both horrified and proud at the same time.
She grabbed her heavy, hardback science book and yelled, "FROST." as she tried to slam it into his face.
"Corona. Overland. What do you two think you're doing?" Alvin said, stopping Rapunzel with the book only centimeters from mortified Jack's cheek.
They both looked at him wide eyed.
Jack was the only one who could muster a word, "Uh... Makeshift slingshot?"

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