Chapter 4

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"Corona. I'm so glad you could fit time in your busy schedule to join us." Mr. North sarcastically praised.
"Dude, she was at the nurse." Jack instantly argued. He caught himself and pursed his lips to keep shut.
Mr. North glared at him with a narrowed eyebrow.
Rapunzel took a seat opposite of Mr. North, next to Jack.
Of course it was the only other seat in the office so she scooted it more toward the wall.
North buried his face in his hands, "Rapunzel, you are in the student consul. I expect more from you. You've been sent here for misbehavior more this year than the other two. And it's only half way over."
Rapunzel nodded, "Yes sir, but-"
"No no, I don't want to hear your sorry attempt at an excuse." he admitted slightly raising his hand.
Jack quietly laughed while covering his mouth making Rapunzel glare his way.
"And Overland, Frost, whatever you prefer, imagine what your mother would say. Don't you think your family already has it bad enough without their eldest getting sent to my office several times a week. At least when Rapunzel is here it's only because if some kind of misunderstanding between you two, you just have a tendency to hurt students."
Jack slumped in his seat as Rapunzel began to feel guilty.
She drooped her shoulders and studied him.
Mr. North reverted his attention to Rapunzel, "Corona, you are at the top of all of your class. You have the highest average of anyone in the grade. You excel at everything you do. And the students love you. I've never been one to question the students decisions and when you were elected the VP, I was not at all surprised. In fact, I even asked students. You could've been student consul president if you wanted. It would be so simple. Because you love the people and the people love you. You're a natural leader. So please, tell me why the two of you can't love eachother?"
Rapunzel shot up and her eyes grew wide.
Jack's eyes widened but he furrowed his brows.
"Mr. North, I'm not sure that's entirely appropriate." Rapunzel admitted.
He shook his head, "You know what I mean. I just would hate to remove you from you position because you're truly the best this school's ever had. You can tolerate everyone except that one," he continued, pointing at Jack, "Can't you just get along with him."
"That's not easy, she's intolerable!" Jack shouted. Rapunzel scowled at his statement.
"Jack, you're a pretty decently smart kid too."
"Gee, thanks."
"Very popular with the girls. But you only speak to Hiccup. Given Hiccup is just as smart as Rapunzel you'd think he'd be a good influence but nothing's happening."
"I have other friends." Jack rebutted.
"I know you do, son. But you guys hang out in similar circles. I know for a fact Rapunzel and Hiccup are on excellent terms. How come neither of you can stand the other."
"He started it!" Rapunzel announced.
"What?" Mr. North continued.
"In grade school. I don't remember everything but I know I didn't start it." she admitted.
Jack glared at her, "How do you know? Why would I pick a fight with you?"
"You pick fights with everyone!" Rapunzel shouted.
"Calm down you two. I don't know what happened. In all honesty I don't care to know. I'm not suspending anyone this time, but your punishment will be to eat lunch together outside of my office. You do not have to sit next to eachother. Just stay on the same wall. And no arguing."
They both grumbled under their breaths and went to get food.

"Arggg." Jack laughed, walking behind Rapunzel.
"Is that supposed to be some pirate joke? Hilarious." she bluntly stated.
"What can I say? I have charm. Hey, How much does it cost for a pirate to get his ears pierced?"
Rapunzel ignored him.
"A buccaneer. Why couldn't the pirate crew play cards?"
"Are you going to be doing this all day?" Rapunzel asked annoyed.
"Because the captain was standing on the deck!" he laughed. He sped up his pace and looked slightly down at Rapunzel, "A book never written: "Pirate's treasure" by Barry Moore. How do pirates prefer to communicate?"
Rapunzel grumbled and walked faster.
"Aye to aye... Oh.. guess you take eye to eye to a whole new meaning."
"Jack... Stop."
Jack removed one hand from holding his tray and held it on his forehead, "Eye eye, captian!"

After the worst ten minutes of Rapunzel's life and the last two class periods that seemed to drag on for hours, Rapunzel was finally free to leave.
"Merida!" she shouted running to her walking buddy.
Merida turned around to see her friend awkwardly running her way. She couldn't help but let out a small laugh.
"Merida..." Rapunzel gasped, "You... Were... Leaving me..." she tried to explain as she huffed between words.
Merida grinned and narrowed a brow, "Yeh, that's 'cause Anna said ya were stayin' aft' school."
"Why would I do that?"
"'cause you got into trouble durin' Mr. Monroe's class."
"Oh fudge! I'LL BE RIGHT BACK, YOU CAN GO A HEAD AND START WALKING WITHOUT ME." Rapunzel shouted as she began running back into school.
Merida snorted and caught up with her other friends, Hiccup, Adam and Hans.

Rapunzel slammed open the door to the almost empty classroom breathing heavily.
Jack rolled his eyes and slouched in his seat as Mr. Monroe laughed.
"I'm... So sorry... Mr. Monroe..." she huffed.
"Please, school is over. The two of you can call me Mr. Alvin." he joked.
Rapunzel slowly walked to her teachers desk.
"Feel free to pull up a chair... Like Jack did." he mocked as he nudged his head to Jack in a highchair.
Rapunzel nodded and grabbed a small stool.
Mr. Monroe clapped once, "So kiddos, I bet you're wondering why I haven't told the office on you."
They both quietly watched as Mr. Monroe had a tendency to plan out his conversations and won't stop what he is saying until it's over, despite if people interfere.
He nodded at the students, "Yes, well. That is simple. Because as you can tell from my many signs plastered over every inch of this classroom. I believe everyone should get along. Hashtag peace and love and love and peace. What ever the cool kids are saying these days."
"Not that." Jack grumbled.
"It has come to my attention. You know... After the many fights and arguments... That you two might not like eachother."
"We've sort of had this conversation today." Rapunzel added.
Mr. Monroe shrugged it off, "So, as I explained to the class while you were in the nurse. We would be reviewing fungi and plantae junk. I don't know, I only remember one of the words for my clever joke. And since we all should've learned this in about seventh grade I was debating on us not doing the required project on it. Instead I was just going to put your test grades in." he admitted.
Mr. Monroe took a sip of his afternoon coffee and leaned back in the chair, "And I decided, if a class does have to do it. I'm not going to punish the rest. So you know, it's fair. But the whole reasons in my pairings were to get you to bond with people you don't normally speak to. Note prankster with grumpy overachiever and smart free spirit with the sarcastic, honest thief. But it seems that wasn't the people you were the least compatible with. In fact, it has come to my attention you are the least compatible with eachother. So, we are going to do the project, whole class, because of you losers. And I will give you the rest of my plans tomorrow." Alvin smirked.
Rapunzel and Jack both nodded.
Alvin slapped his desk, "And you may go home!" he finished, playing with his glasses.
They both stood up to leave, by the time Rapunzel's hand touched the knob Mr. Monroe interrupted them, "You don't expect me to put your chairs back for you, do you?" he laughed.
Jack kicked the stool close to where it originally was and carried the highchair back to the back of the class.
Rapunzel took the opportunity and got a head start to leave.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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