More ?'s answered by chelsey

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{These questions where written by Kayla ;).}

(Answered by chelsey)

What is the weirdest thing you two have been sen doing?

-grabing our boobs during class. The worst part was that it was a male who saw it.

What super power could you see your other half using?

I could see her using fangirl power to repell boys. 

What is the most complicated thing about the others love life?

Well she likes that guy that asked me out. and she goes between a guy who is a jerk. and the guy she likes wants her to hate him. (dont ask)

What is the most annoying part of her personality that you think is adorable ?

She always spits eveywhere and laughs at everything XD

If she was an animal what would she be ?

She would be a tiger, or a Hawk to pick up guys.

What can you see your other half doing with the rest of her life?

Being a writer.

What is the best thing she has ever done for you?

She gave me a cool gift for x-mas. and she always takes me on fantastic friend dates XD

When did you know that you where es others other halfs ?

In 6th grade at our friends bamitzfa

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