Inside jokes: EXPLAINED

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So these are a few compliled inside jokes that we though would be interesting to explain to you guys. we might explain more in a part #2, but we gotta keep some stuff to ourselfs ;)

Joke #1: "Adrians Touchdown Dance"


During gym, we were playing football. And our 'friend' Adrian gets a touch down. He, all of a sudden bursts into a kind of a horse trot thing where we puts one hand up and another at his waist and dances back and forth. We, me and kayla, stop dead in our tracks and buurt into laughter. And to this day we crack jokes about... Shout out to you Adrian. Kayla alwyas tries to say hi ;) p.s Kayla has had a love interest with him before <3 (hes black) And cute ;) p.s chelsey is writing this, so yeah...(Kayla) BUT I DONT NOW! And as a sneak peak back to Thursday in gym we played foot ball again, and Adrian got so out of control he started yelling at our friend Daniel while he was on the floor. Like calm down it is just a game. And that live I treat was one of the worst mistakes ever BTW. You can see the video on Instagram at @squad_shadow_hunter

Joke #2:

"That grandma is staring at us"

Me Chelsey and our friend kela where in hot topic. It was like our sixth Chayla date. So we where in the back at hot topic looking at tee shirts and I turn around and she this old woman. She had blond curly hair and she had those old style blue dresses on. She reassembled the cliche grandma that baked bread and cookies. She had red lipstick on and everything. Then she starts waving and smiling at us. I smack Chelsey in the back so she can see. She turns around and we both get kind of scared. But kela was entranced with shoes. We had to drag her from back there. She resisted a lot but we finally drug her to the front of her store. She was mad and asked what our problems where, that's when she saw the grandma and ran out of the store. (Kayla is writing this)

Joke #3:

"She thought she heard a gunshot and just sat there eating her chips"

On one of the recent snow days me and Chelsey where skyping.

And all of the suddenly there is this loud booming noise. She doesn't here it but I do ... Which is strange. Then she goes to the kitchen to get some chips. She comes back and after five minutes that booming noise goes off again. She just continues on her computer and is like "Kayla I think I just heard a couple of gun shots ." She has the most calm face it scared me for a second, with the sound of her chewing in the back round. I practically scream at her how she can be so calm at this moment. So she rolls her eyes at me like IM the crazy one, looks at the window, comes back and sits down. The sad part is that she looked disappointed. I love her but geez she is strange. ( Kayla wrote this)

Joke #4:

"Daniel is our pimp."

So one day we all decided to have asquad meet up. But most of our friends flaked so it ended up just being Me, Kayla and Daniel. So After We went into male underwear shops we decided to get some coffee. After getting our Cinnabun Iced coffee we decided to go to the Book shop just across from it (Kayla, I bought me and Dan an iced coffee and at first when he tried the sample he liked it and when I bought I asked if it was okay. He said ummm... So I said if he doesn't finish it all I was going to severely hurt him. That stuff was like $2.38) So we start walking past the romance section and BOOM out of nowhere in broad daylight is the most SEXY guy the world has ever seen. SO Kayla being, the super smart girl she is decided to start clecnching her buttcheeks and start yelling (in the store might I add) "PLEASE LOOK AT MY BUTT, PLEASE.". So after we walk past the guy in the red shirt, we work out way to the nerd section, pick out some dorky pins and the kayla gets an idea... oh great. She links arms with daniel, and I do the same on the other, and Kayla declared Daniel our pimp so we can Make the HOT guy jealous. So we walk past this guy probibly 4-5 times and he still hasnt looked at us. So we go get out stuff and end the day at that. As a side note we also declared that this dude was going to be Daniels arch nemesis for the rest of there lives. And today Daniel wore his pimp shirt.

That is all for now :) comment how much you liked this.

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