These Wings Are Made To Fly (One Direction Fan Fic w/ Little Mix guest starring)

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I had a perfect little family. A loving older brother, two older sisters who protected me, a mum who sang to me, and a dad who read bedtime stories to me so I would sleep. We were the perfect family everyone wanted. That perfect family was shattered. By a reason I don't remember. I hope when I see my family I'll remember everything. That the memory of them will bring the memory of what happened come back. It had to be bad. I don't remember anything of them. Nothing. I think it's sad that I don't remember them. I have nothing not even a picture of them. I have no clue how I'll find them.

I'm Rosalinda Payne-Patterson. Rosie for short. I have brown curly hair and brown eyes. I live in Wolverhampton, England. I'm a 18 year old girl. I dont know any of my real family but my dad. I've forgotten them. My father Geoff tells me stories of the happy family we once had. I now have a two year old daughter. I was raped. I've been bullied. Forgotten. Left on the street.

I don't know how I still have the courage to go on. Maybe it's my daughter. Maybe it's my father that comes every day. Maybe it's the fact that I'm going to go find my family. Maybe it's to get justice on the man that raped me. Maybe it's the fact that I want a perfect little family. Maybe it's because I want to reunite that perfect little family. The family in my dreams. I guess that's what gives me hope everyday. To continue my life.

"Mummy!" Katerina my daughter yelled pulling me out of my deep thoughts.

"What baby?" I asked.

"Where's Grandpa?"

"I don't know sweetheart."

"But he always comes!" She cried. I scooped her up from the floor. I rocked her back and forth.

"Do you want me to sing?" She shook her hair full of reddish brown curls.

"Mama told me not to waste my life

She said spread your wings my little butterfly

Don't let what they say keep you up at night

And if they give you shhh...

They can walk on by

My feet, feet can't touch the ground

And I can't hear a sound

But you keep running up your mouth

Walk, walk over there

Cause I'm too fly to care, oh yeah

Your words don't mean a thing

I'm not listening

Keep talking, all I know is

Mama told me not to waste my life

She said spread your wings my little butterfly

Don't let what they say keep you up at night

And they can't detain you

Cause wings are made to fly

And we don't let nobody bring us down

Don't matter if I fall from the sky

These wings are made to fly." I sang which slowled her crying. She looked up at me and her blue orbs glistened from her tears. I wiped her eyes and she sniffled.

"Rosie! I'm here!" My dad's voice boomed through the quiet house.

"In here Dad!" I yelled back. Katerina flew up from my lap and jumped up and down. Geoff came through to the living room with a gift. Geoff spoiled her.

"Grandpa!!!" Katerina yelled as she gripped onto his legs.


"Grandpa it's Katerina!"

"I'm just pulling your leg."

"My weg?" Her eyebrows burrowed in the cutest way. She's a very smart two year old but she can't say her L's right.

"It's just an expression."

"Ok Grandpa Geoff." They walked over to the couch and sat.

"C'mon let's go your mom has some business to attend to." I looked at him very confused. "But not before I give her this." He said and handed me the gift. I took of the bow that was neatly and tightly wrapped around it. I opened the box that was red, my favorite color. Two keys were sitting inside.

"What's this?"

"A key to your car I just got you. The other? You'll have to find out."

"So I'm gonna go on a wild goose chase to find what this unlocks?"

"Yes I know you will. I left clues for you it'll help you do what you've always wanted." My family. He's talking about my family. My mum, brother and sisters. I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I hugged him. Which was something I never really did.

"Thank you." I whispered against his chest. "I l-love you." That was something I never said. I telly do love him.

"Bye-bye Mummy." Katerina said so innocently. "I'll miss you." Most kids wouldn't let their mom just leave. That's why I loved her so much. She was so understanding.

"I'll miss you too. Just promise you'll be good for grandpa?"

"I will." She climbed off his lap and inti mine. She hugged me wrapping her little arms around my neck. She was so little. I pulled away and looked a her beautiful face.

"Bye Katerina. I love you."

"I wuv you Mummy." I pick her up and put her on Geoff's lap. I walked to the door with the keys in my hands. I turned around to look at them one more time. This was the family I had now. A dad and a daughter. A small, happy family. But it still wasn't complete. Something was missing.

A Mum,


And Sisters.

Ello cupcakes!!!! So I wrote this story in honor of Little Mix. It's ok if you don't like or know them. They are gonna be in the story but it is a ONE DIRECTION FAN FICTION! Just to make that clear. I will continue This story if you guys like it. Comment, vote, anything to tell me you like it. You can privately inbox me if you want. I don't care. I just wanna know if you guys like it! So do something. I really want to continue this story. And if you haven't heard of Little Mix look 'em up! I did today and I fell in love. Their video diaries are hilarious. They're wonderful singers. There's Perrie, Leigh-Ann, Jade, and Jesy (pronounced Jessi). They're beautiful talented girls. They won X-Factor for crying out loud! Just check 'em out for me. And if not me them for the CHILDREN!

(Ok end of rant)

Lots of love,


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