Chapter 1:Now What!?!?

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3rd Person Pov:

            In front of them was three little problems, one who was the blue speedster trying to make an escape out of their make-shift baby pin(made of heavy books and chairs), another white-furred one was crying his head off because a black shadow baby was pulling on his ears to hard. The gang looked down in disbelief with Knuckles sniggering, never had they thought the three heroes would look so adorable... or cry loudly,"Rouge can you do something Silver is making my ears hurt", Tails protested while holding down his ears to cover the unwanted noise,"What's makes you think I know how to take care of kids!?", she said irritably,"Cause your the oldest",Everyone said blatantly",That's not the point"! Ever since bringing the three home Silver's been the troublesome one, first he was crying cause he was hungry so they needed to make a stop at the store to buy some milk, next he cried cause he was getting hot so they had make a little stop at a cafe that had air conditioning, and lastly when arriving after putting them in the pin Shadow's been messing with his ears and showed no intention at stopping.

        "Well I can try" Rouge said hopefully,"Hey Shadow hun~,"she spoke gently. Shadow looked up at Rouge as though all innocent when he wasn't still having a grip on Silver's ear who was still crying,"Ya think you let go of Silver's ear", she said firmly but still gentle, Shadow looked at her and gave her a glare, now many would be running for their lives if the hedgehog was a teenager but...No, all the girl squealed in excitement at the overload of cuteness except for Rouge."I'm going to give you 5 second or your going in time-out","You can a baby time-out isn't that more for toddlers?",Knuckles asked,"My friend Sheanel from the office says you can give it to em' she does with her daughter", she said"1,2" Shadow just glared back as though saying'bitch if you even think about put me in time out well your in for a surprise',"3,4"At this point Shadow was thinking, even though he was baby with him being artificially made he had good understanding and was somewhat smart in the state that he was in than other kids would be at his age,"fi-"He let go of Silver's eye who stopped crying but was whimpering from the pain, Shadow turned around and with his back faced to everyone who was a bit shocked that he actually listened.


    "Okay so we need to go get some baby supplies until we can figure out how to turn them back", Tails stated"So Rouge you wouldn't min-","Nope" She interrupted before Tails could even finish his sentence,"I need a little break from those little demons, but I'll be more than happy to help with the shopping", she said,"Knuckles well maybe you watch over them",Tails asked hesitantly", Knuckles had a blank look on his face that quickly turned into anger and irritation"oooh no you don't, your not gonna drop me on babysitting duty","Well what I were to help"Amy suggested with a smile", I'm pretty good with kids and I can help and teach you how to take care 'em","Fine"Knuckles grumbled. So with that Everyone was out the door, Leaving Knuckles, Amy, and the three little terrors that were in the living room.

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