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Noun- a person who loves tattoos and/or piercings.

"Well, if it isn't my dearest friend," said a familiar voice.

Draco turned, smiling when he saw he saw Pansy standing there. It'd been a long time since they'd last seen each other, almost two years, if Draco remembered correctly. He never expected to see her again, much less in a muggle mall. He never expected her to come and sit next to him on the dirty bench in the middle of the mall, near a play area where small child drooled all over it.

"Hello Pansy," said Draco in a rather warm tone. His lips quirked into a happy smile, which felt foreign- it'd been so long since he'd smiled. Dressed in a rather gloomy looking black suit, he looked as though he belonged at a funeral rather than a shopping mall. His snowy blond hair was neatly slicked back, although a few strands were out of place- things had greatly changed. With his naturally pale complexion and sharp facial features, he looked more similar to a corpse than he did an actual living, breathing person.

Pansy shifted next to him, her charcoal colored skirt moving as she did such. An emerald green shirt fit her upper body rather snuggly, but not snug enough that she had wrinkles or anything. A golden necklace with a daisy dangled around her throat, which was somehow fitting, despite how it shouldn't have went with her outfit whatsoever. Her dark hair was cut into a bob, which hadn't changed from when they went to Hogwarts together. She'd become so beautiful, almost to the point that she didn't look anything like the girl he'd known years ago.

"How are you?" Draco asked her finally. He didn't know what to ask her, considering it'd been so long since they last talked.

"Pretty good actually," said Pansy with a small smile. "I'm engaged right now, set to get married in October. How about you?"

"Just fantastic," spat Draco bitterly, before giving Pansy a smile. He could not be rude to her because his life was falling apart, that wasn't her fault. "Uhm... I'm still single."

"Oh dear, you can't be serious!" Pansy gave Draco a scandalized look. "Oh, you are. That's absolutely terrible. I know plenty of single people that'd think you're a really treat!"

"Of course I'm a real treat," said Draco, holding a hand to his chest as if he were offend. "It is just that no one's hungry for a good snack."

"Of course people are hungry for a good snack," said Pansy, shoving Draco's shoulder playfully. "It's just that you haven't meet the right one yet. Not everyone likes their snacks to be males. Take me for example."

Draco looked at Pansy curiously. "You like females?"

"No mate, I like sombreros! What do you think? Obviously," said Pansy tiredly.

"Oh," said Draco. "Well, if it comforts you, I like guys."

"Ugh, not everything's about you," said Pansy in a fake whiny tone. "You won't even let me have my diva moments. You're a terrible friend!"

"The same could be said about you," retorted Draco with a wink.

"Hello sweetie," said another familiar voice. Dressed in a tan tee-shirt with a pair of black shorts, stood a smiling woman. Tuffs of brown hair stood in every direction, looking like a q-tip that had been in the wind. Around her neck was a silver necklace, with a beautiful blue elephant on it. She'd changed a little bit, but not enough that she wasn't unrecognizable.

"Hermione?" asked Draco in a disbelieving tone.

"She was talking to me," said Pansy in a playful tone. "Stop flirting with my fiancée."

"Hello," said Hermione politely. "Have either of you seen Harry? He said he was going to get a new jacket, but you know how he is."

"I do," said Pansy. "He's probably blessed the rains in Africa or saved some old lady's cats."

"In a mall?" asked Draco with wide eyes.

Harry Potter was the 'Impossible Boy,' sort of. He should be dead, but he just didn't die- at least not permanently. He seemed to be able to do things that he definitely shouldn't be able to, such as being seventeen and defeating a Dark Lord that had tormented hundreds of adults. He was also ridiculously attractive, so there was that. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise Draco to learn that Potter managed to bless the rains of Africa from a mall in the United Kingdom. Harry was strange in many ways, almost to the point of being eccentric.

After the war was done, he up and left. No one knew where, nor were they sure why he left. Before he did up and disappear, he broke up with Ginny Weasley. Of course, there was an uproar after he left, most fearing that he'd turn dark or that he'd been forced into leaving. And Draco, despite his seemingly careless exterior, was slightly worried about the Gryffindor.

"It was a joke," said Pansy.

"Mhm," grunted Draco.

"Oh, there he is," said Hermione, waving and summoning him from where she was standing.

Harry sauntered over, as if he had but a care in the world. Dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a tight fitting black shirt, he looked awfully attractive- at least Draco thought so. Bright emerald green eyes seemed to twinkle brighter upon seeing Draco, as if he were the light of Harry's life. Perhaps Harry was excited to put their old rivalry to sleep and start something new. It wasn't as if Draco knew for sure, not truly.

Upon closer inspection, Draco realized that Harry's arms were filled with the most beautiful tattoos. The tan skin of his arms was nearly completely hidden by the sleeves of tattoos. A beautiful red lily was the first tattoo that Draco noticed, every line and fine detail implanting itself into Draco's mind. A wispy blue stag moved slightly on his arm, likely because it was a wizard's tattoo- muggles saw the same tattoo, except it wasn't moving. A bubblegum pink and sky blue butterfly was placed right above his wrist, on the veins that could determine the life or death of a person.

His left arm was filled with different tattoos. The most beautiful phoenix flew around on his arm, looking as free as a bird tattoo could be. There was a large black dog and a werewolf, situated next to each other, both of which could also moved slightly. Above his wrist was another tattoo, although it wasn't a picture. It was a name, written in cursive: Teddy Lupin.

Draco swore under his breath. Damn it, he was hot, and the flashy bastard knew it. With the swagger and smile to turn Draco into a lovesick school boy, Harry definitely knew the power he held over those attracted to males- especially Draco.

"Hello 'Mione," said Harry sweetly, smiling innocently at her. "Hello Pansy... and Draco Malfoy."

"Hello Potter. Good to see you've changed!" exclaimed Draco hurriedly.

"You too Malfoy. I can't stay for too long, but I thought I'd tell you before I left. I can't have what happened in the restaurant happen again. Once was bad enough," proclaimed Harry.

"My, my, a little bird's tells me you like guys with tattoos," whispered Pansy, nudging Draco.

"Perhaps I do," Draco whispered back harshly.

"- gotta go. Bye everyone." Harry waved goodbye to the group. He walked over to Draco and handed him a small, folded up note before continuing to walk off.

Draco opened the note and read it.

Dearest Draco,

I think you're attractive too. If you'd like, perhaps we could go to dinner some night? I'll leave you my number.

Harry Potter

Draco smiled to himself. Maybe he did have a thing for tattoos...

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