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Adjective- emotionally confused or uncertain.

Draco cursed, ignoring the withering look sent her way by the man next to her. It was apparent that he was disapproved of her cursing, although she wasn't really in the mood to care what he thought- she never really cared what anyone thought anyways. As far as she was concerned, he could shove his problem with her cursing right up his arse. Although, knowing her luck, he'd probably turn out to be some important figure in her life- that was how her life seemed to work.

His face was seemingly youthful, almost babyish in some manners. At some point, his olive skin had been perfect, tainted only by unusual tan lines. But now, it was almost impossible to imagine him like that, without the many scars that tainted his once perfect skin. Deep blue eyes seemed distant, even as he continued to give her a dark look. Dressed in the usual Hogwarts getup, she could tell he was a Ravenclaw- she was rather curious as to why he was already in his outfit.

"Oi! Mind having some manners?" His voice was unusually thick, almost like he had an accent that wasn't one hundred percent 'the standard English accent'. It was very likely that he was Scottish, considering that he hadn't pulled out a Bible like the Irish were said to do.

Draco gave him one of her sweetest smiles, telling him exactly where he could shove his manners. None of these things were exactly appropriate for a Pureblood, especially a female, to say, but Draco vaguely said something along the lines of, "Screw that. I'll do whatever I please." Besides, it wasn't like any man would be turned off because off her swearing, considering that no man was interested in her. It seemed that the Dark Mark was a very effective method of keeping men away, no matter how faded it got.

"I'll find a seat elsewhere," said the Ravenclaw student, standing up slowly. His fingers wrapped around the plastic hand on his suitcase, which he then began to lightly tug on. "I'm sure that Harriet Potter doesn't curse this much."

Draco was glad that he was out of the train compartment before he could hear the new, impressive string of curse words that she managed to put together. She hadn't even been on the train for a hour yet, and somehow, Harriet Potter was already being praised.

Harriet Potter simply infuriated Draco Malfoy to no end. Although, sometimes, frustrate was the more proper word, and it didn't always mean in an annoying sense. Draco found herself rather... flustered by the girl, more so than she'd like to admit. It confused and irritated Draco beyond belief, almost driving her insane at times. Draco realized that Potter very well could have been her breaking point.

The first time Draco ever really noticed Potter's physical form was at the end of sixth year, despite how frequently Draco was... preoccupied with other things. Draco could remember the moment perfectly, the exact minute that Potter walked into the Great Hall on a seemingly normal Saturday. For Draco, it turned into something that wasn't normal, even under the strangest circumstances that Draco daydreamed about.

Raven black hair stuck up messily in every direction, which wasn't anywhere's near a cute messy. With thin rimmed black glasses, which looked well in need of replacement, she looked kind of nerdy- still not in an attractive manner. Her tan skin was a bit tanner, likely from the amount of Quidditch practice she'd fit in her schedule. A thin layer of black eyeliner framed her emerald green eyes, which made her eyes stand out- even with the glasses. Her frame was usually hidden by baggy clothing that looked like third generation hand-me-downs, which very well could have been the reason Draco hadn't really noticed her.

Instead, she wore a pair of black skinny jeans- she was allowed to, considering that it was the weekend, and one could wear whatever they desired on the weekend. A grey wool sweater with pink, yellow, and blue lines replaced the normally baggy shirts she wore. Harriet wasn't exactly very busty, but Draco did notice that she had nice thighs.

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