Chapter 2- Liam Austin Parker

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Everett's POV

Today is a new start. A new beginning for me. Today is my first day as a licensed EMT. I have been working for this for a year now. When I retired from the Marines a little over a year ago I couldn't make myself sit on my butt at a desk. I needed to be out there protecting people or helping them. My end goal is to be a firefighter EMT. That's the dream, and I'm almost there. 

In my truck on the way to the station my music cut off and was replaced my my chosen ringtone for momma. "Mornin' Momma." I answered with a grin on my face. 

"Hey baby, you excited for today?" She asked. I could here the smile in her voice. 

"Yeah. I can't wait" I told her honestly. "I'm actually almost to the station so I might have to call you later. Either on my lunch or when I get home for the day." 

"Okay, that's okay honey. I just wanted to call and say good luck on your first day. I can't wait to hear all about it." 

"I'll call you as soon as I can. Love you." 

"Love you too, baby." With that we both hung up and I continued the drive. 

I pulled into my spot, parking my truck and then hopping out. I made sure I had everything I'd need and walked my happy self into the station. 

"Masen!" One of the men from my crew, Gavin, shouted when he saw me. His first day on the rig is today as well. We started training at the same time and bonded over the experience. He quickly became one of my closest friends.

"James!" I greeted back. Gavin is also a retired Marine, actually a lot of the guys from the station are former military. 

"You ready for today?" He asked when I reached him. 

"I think so man. Can't be much worse than what we've seen in combat, right?" I chuckled with a shrug. 

"True." He laughed with me.

It wasn't long before our captain gave us commands and we were separated into our crews. We just had to wait for a call now. I was grouped with Jennings and Marcus today. We were told that this may not be permanent we have to figure out who we mesh the best with to make us the most efficient team possible. 

"We have a code 2: Child with possible broken leg at Moreberry Park." Was heard over the radio. Marcus responded saying we were on our way, and we took off. We didn't use the sirens or the lights as the situation didn't call for it. 

The kid was in hysterics when we reached the scene, but it was easy enough to handle. We set the kids leg and then took him to the closest ER for X-rays and such. His nanny rode in the back with us and she was on the phone trying to reach the kids parents the whole time. 

It took a bit but we were able to calm the kid down eventually. We got him situated at the hospital and waited for the next call. 

Two minor accidents and an allergic reaction later we got a Code 4: Pregnant woman, in active labor. 

The two minute ride with lights and sirens felt longer than I expected. I wasn't sure why. The rest of the calls felt rushed and quick. I just kept thinking we wouldn't make it in time. We pulled up to a store off of main street. The woman was shopping for her baby I guess when he water had broken. The staff called an ambulance for her since she was alone and couldn't very well drive herself to the hospital. 

I quickly climbed out of the rig with my medi bag and ran into the building. I looked around to find the woman in distress and it wasn't hard. She had tears running down her face as she clutched at her round belly. 

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