Chapter 5

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Carlos approached a residence where a police officer was waiting at the doorway.

"Coroner is on his way," the officer said.

"Ok, let me have a look. Parents still inside?"

"Yeah," the officer nodded. "It must be terrible to lose a child!"

Carlos suddenly had a flashback of the terrible night where he almost lost his wife. He pondered on how terrible he would feel if he ever lost his daughter, especially now that he was seeing her grow up. Nothing could ever replace those warm kisses she gives him every day.

He found the parents sitting in the living room shedding tears and moaning their sorrows. "I'm sorry for your loss."

"My baby... why?" The mother cried, "She was only a little girl."

Carlos bit his tongue sharing the pain she was enduring. He went ahead and made his way into their daughter's bedroom, which was filled with color and toys everywhere. He found her lifeless body sitting on the floor, leaning against the bed frame. His gut was like a bottomless pit as he felt his soul sink and tasted a salty tear that ran down his cheek. "What kind of God would allow this?" he whispered while wiping the tear off his face. He had seen many atrocities in his profession, but he had never felt such an infinite sorrow as he saw this innocent child dead.

He sighed and observed that there was a monopoly board open in front of her. Two tokens were in place, one of which had fallen on a hotel. Apparently, someone had lost, but it was the little girl who had all the play money. "Ma'am, did you have any visitors last night?"

"No, why do you ask?"

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