Chapter 15

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Azazel showed her something, something she would be unable to understand, but Azazel had no intention of leaving her ignorant. He gave her a vision from memories which were not his own. She had a vision of how God created Earth, but God did not do so alone. Another superior being was along God's side, an Angel called Lucifer, the Light Giver. They created the Earth and its atmospheres. They created the mountains and oceans. They had all the time in the world because the universe was theirs.

They decided to go further with their creation and they decided to create life. Plants covered the landscapes and animals roamed the Earth. From birds that soared the skies to creatures that inhabited the deep.

Yet they decided to create something more extraordinary. They created mankind and they did so in their image, making them special, more than any other living creature on Earth. God gave mankind the ability to think and with that, the power to create. With such a divine ability, God imposed a rule, a law that humanity shall become in what they think. With this, they could set goals far beyond the imaginable, but at the same time, the possibility to succumb.

Mankind grew and evolved into something so much more. Humanity created communities and eventually, they created science to answer their curiosities. Science was never a contradiction against God, for God had created everything and anything mankind could conceive, was simply another creation from God.

But during this process of mankind's intellectual and religious evolution, Lucifer rebelled. Humans came to know the Fallen Angel by the name of Satan. Additionally, they came to interpret that Satan rebelled against God out of vanity and greed of power, but people can only comprehend what they want to believe.

Mankind was unlike any other creature on Earth, as it was also God's decision to create them with free will. Lucifer was aware of the consequences of such actions, and so was God. Humanity would clearly fall by their own hand, and their ability to create was nothing compared to their ability to destroy. Mankind would bring about horrifying things, so Lucifer came upon the crucial decision to rebelled against his own creator. Aware of the circumstances, one-third of God's Angels sided with Lucifer to fight a war they already knew they could not win.

And so it was, defeated by their own brothers, they were cast away into the Inferno, never to return to Paradise. They would remain in Hell to torture those souls who so foolishly lost the Grace of God. And as generations passed, humanity indeed decayed. Humanity started committing atrocities and sins beyond decadence. Fornication and rape, murder and war, fraud and theft. God's Angels looked upon mankind in shame for what they have become. It was repugnant that humanity had reached such levels of decadence and immorality. It was a shame that they were all created in God's image.

Lucifer's predictions were correct, but God was well aware of the consequences beforehand. Humans were creatures created to set themselves apart from any other living being, but they proved themselves lesser than animals through the eyes of God. God showed no mercy and eradicated the human species, flooding the Earth with rain for forty days and forty nights.

Millions of souls fell into Hell, where the Fallen Angels were awaiting them to inflict their fair punishment. It was because of these God-forsaken souls, everything went to Hell, literally. The Fallen Angels fought to prevent this and lost. All that was left was to inflict punishment for those souls who will never feel regret, nor shame for their actions. These souls were unworthy of existence. But nothing in this realm ceases to exist, it is an eternal life, an eternal sense of existence in the condemnation of Hell.

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