"The Hidden Tunnel" Chapter 4

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Nia woke to her bed shaking, she lifted her head in sleepy confusion to see Wang standing by her bedside using a chant to shake her bed causing her awake up. After getting ready for the day Nia entered the other room. Bowls of porridge were already upon the table and Wang  sat waiting patiently for her to join him. As they ate Nia wondered what the day would hold, she looked down at the white ring that encircled her thumb. When breakfast was done Wang lead the way out to the courtyard. He then sat down in a meditative position and motioned for Nia to join him. 

"Close your eyes and try to feel the Essence that flows through all things." Wang said closing his own eyes.

Nia closed her eyes and concentrated, at first she felt nothing except for the sun that was slowly rising above the gorge walls. After a few minutes she began to feel what seemed like faintly glowing sparks in all types of colors floating through the air and ground around her. Wang then spoke softly.

"Now try to gently draw them towards around you till they form rivers that encircle you."

Nia tentatively used her conscience to reach out and tug them towards her. As soon as she did they rushed over to her and frantically circled her. They looked more like a churning ocean than calmly flowing rivers. Feeling the disturbance in the essence surrounding Nia Wang glanced at her. His cool silver eyes widened slightly in surprise for a moment before he closed his eyes again. He then continued to teach Nia how to use meditation to become stronger. And when noon came he went into the house. And brought out two food boxes handing one to her he sat down and started to eat. Nia opened her box and looked down to see what looked like pale steamed veggies and a bowl of broth. After they had finished eating Wang stood and put his left arm out palm up. His right hand was at the center of his chest palm flat and pointed up and to the left. His feet where placed with the left one slightly before the other. Closing his eyes he chanted,

 "Oh Water of the earth and sea's,

 hear my cry and come to me.

Above my palm may you make,

 a ball of Water Essence I may take." 

In a flash a ball of Essence floated gently above Wang's outstretched hand. With a look at Nia he then moved his right hand over the ball of Water Essence. Then closing his eyes once more he uttered a different chant. 

"Water Essence hear and heed my command,

follow the movements of my right hand." 

Wang opened his eyes and moved his right hand in a circle in front of himself before coming to a stop level with his chest. He then flung his palm out and away and chanted.

 "Scatter into tiny drops and then listen to what I say, 

Go forth and pierce what ever stands in your way."

Immediately the ball split into thousands of small particles which shot off into the distance.  Turning Wang looked at Nia and said, "You try." 

Nia stood up placing her left foot before the other her hands in the same places as Wang's had been. Then closing her eyes she repeated the first chant in clear tones. When she opened her eyes she saw a massive ball of Essence surging and tumbling above her palm, barely under control. Her eyes widened and she glanced at Wang who moved swiftly over to her side and quickly uttered a chant. As soon as his hand touched the Essence it shrunk down into a docile ball. That floated innocently above her palm sparkling. 

When the sun was about to sink behind the gorge walls they retired to the hut and while Wang cooked some steamed dumplings and stir fried some veggies. Nia studied a scroll at the table until he placed the plates down. Setting aside the scroll Nia picked up a dumpling with her chop sticks and bit into it. It was soft and had a light refreshing flavor that although was familiar she couldn't quite place it. In silence they finished eating then as Nia was cleaning the dishes Wang sat at the table and watched her preforming spells that both cleaned and dried the dishes. Nia looked up and saw him watching. Although he watched he didn't ask about the strange way she seemed to use Essences and Nia didn't offer to explain. 

As soon as she learned the basics chants used to control the main Essences Water, Earth, Fire and Nature. Instead of practicing in the courtyard that morning after meditation. Wang lead her around the hut past the table in the back and up a little path that wound up towards the end of the gorge that was hidden in shadows. Here the gorge over head came together and hid the last few hundred feet of gorge in shadow all day except for one hour when the suns rays fell at the right angle illuminating the shadows. When they reached the gorge wall Wang reached up and pressed on a indent and after a quick chant a part of the wall fell away revealing a tunnel leading off into the darkness. Nia peered curiously into it, Wang then said another chant and dim lights light across the tunnel making it look like the night sky with millions of stars.

As Nia walked behind Wang she looked at him, He walked at a steady pace his gray robe hung elegantly from his broad shoulders to where it was cinched with a wide belt of slate blue. A white pouch hung from the belt embroidered with the characters for Prosperity and Peace. His long white hair shone in the dim light it was partly tied up with a silver cord. The rest of his hair swung gently against his back as he walked. Nia mused that although he was probably one of the most handsome men she had ever seen. There was something strange about him but she couldn't seem to put her finger on it. She felt that it wasn't a bad thing but just different. Soon they reached the end of the tunnel, Wang once again used a chant and part of the stone wall slid to the side. Light poured from the entryway and Nia had to close her eyes against it. Blinking she followed Wang through into the light. 

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