"The Outside World" Chapter 7

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When Nia woke she a quick thrill of excitement run through her, she put on a deep purple robe with white and gold borders, it was embroidered with a gold pattern of lotuses and birds. Around her waist was tied a broad belt of white with gold embroidered borders. Hanging from it was a warm amber jade carved with a fox and the symbol for prosperity. Nia combed her hair and twisted it up into a simple cloud bun. She then held it in place with a hair pin of gold that had amethysts embedded into its end in the shape of a lily. When she had finished getting ready she picked up her bag that contained her meager clothes and belongings. You don't tend to have a lot of stuff after you get pushed off of a cliff she thought in amusement. When she entered the other part of the house Wang was just finishing making porridge and steamed buns. He was wearing a darker color than usual, Nia attributed it to the fact that they where heading to the outside world today. Nia placed her bag against the wall near the door and sat down. Wang set two bowls and a plate of buns down on the table and then he joined her. Breakfast was a silent affair as it was most of the time. When Nia had finished washing and drying the dishes she watched as Wang moved to his desk at the back of the room. After searching in one of the drawers he lifted out a small glass vile. It was filled with translucent green liquid. Unscrewing the cap Wang lifted it to his lips and drank it. As he did his white hair gradually turned black and his pale skin became a healthy peach that contrasted nicely with the deep blue robe he was wearing, It was embroidered with a pattern of red cranes and silver clouds. The belt around his waist was red with silver borders. A silver pouch hung from it embroidered with the characters for peace and long life. Setting down the empty glass vile on the stone shelf above his desk he replaced its cap. When he turned around and Nia stared in shock, Wang had always been quite handsome like a lofty and lonely lily on a cold mountain top. But now he looked more like a seductive fox spirit. His thin lips where now a deep pink and his face was a healthy peach color and his eyes where the most stunning of all. Instead of their usual cold silver color they where a deep piercing black. As Nia stared into them they pulled her deeper and deeper. Just before she thought she would drown beneath the calm deep black of his eyes. He blinked slowly and her trance was broken. Nia shook her head and frowned slightly, since when did the sight of a handsome man hold the ability to effect her so? She shook her head and turned her eyes away from his figure. After double checking that all of the jars and barrels where sealed properly Wang took his satchel and swung it over his shoulder. Taking a smooth white staff that leaned against his desk he turned and walked out of the hut. 

Leaving the hut door shut tight Wang lead the way up the path with Nia following behind. He headed towards the entrance to the Tunnel of Stars. But this time when they reached the end of the tunnel Wang uttered a different chant than the one he used to open the door to the garden. 

"Oh Rock surrounding us hear my plea,

Shift the Way Out here to me." 

Nia then heard a grumbling sound and felt the ground under her feet vibrate. It took a few minutes for the vibrations to cease. When everything was quiet Wang placed his hand on the wall and recited this chant. 

"Wall of Stone shift aside,

Reveal what behind you lied." 

The wall slowly slide to one side until only an black space was seen beyond it. Wang then lifted his hand palm out and spoke.

"Lights of blue shine like stars,

illuminate what darkness bars."

Immediately what looked like hundreds of thousands of small blue stars twinkled on into the distance, throwing a blue light onto what looked like endless stairs that vanished into the distance. Nia felt a little apprehensive but as soon as Wang started climbing a sense of calm fell over her. They walked for a long time, eventually the air got warmer. Although the lights lit the path the darkness was still oppressive. Half an hour later Nia could feel her legs straining each time she took a step forwards, clenching her fists she pushed on. Soon an two hours passed by now the air seemed brighter and Nia faintly see a jagged opening ahead of them. Before long the path became wider and the ceiling began to have stalagmites that hung the roof downwards and stalactites that reached upwards.   

Soon the stalagmites and stalactites met merging into melted pillars. Now the blue lights were few and far between as the light from the entrance was getting stronger and stronger, until they stopped all together. Finally passing out of the cave they found themselves surrounded by tall trees that towered many feet above them. Vegetation of all kinds and sizes flourished between the giant trunks of the trees. It was lush and thick they could hear many insect sounds and bird calls from its dark green depths. As Nia looked around in amazement, Wang turned and watched her with his deep and piercing black eyes. Nia's ivory cheeks were blushed in excitement and her eyelashes trembled faintly. Finally she thought, she would get to see more of the strange and wonderful world she had fell into. When Nia looked back at Wang and saw that he was watching her. She immediately went back to normal her face that was now placid but curious . When they made eye contact Wang stared at her for a little longer and Nia stared right back at him. Then turning around he started towards the forest wall in front of them. Calling back to her he said in his soft deep voice.

"Come follow me closely."  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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