Chapter 1- The Day I Found Out

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   I run through my basement as I attempted to find what the voice was telling me. I need to learn to control my fire. I need to control my fire. What am I even looking for? Playing cards. Why do I need playing cards, what will they teach me a bout my fire?

   I jumped up from my bed, my body in a heavy sweat. I sat up on the edge of my bed and pulled myself up. I pressed the off button on my alarm and began to get ready for my last week of middle school. I brushed through my hair and pulled it into a French braid, put on a pink crop- top, some mid-thigh length jean shorts, and black platform heals.

   I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I didn't have to take a shower since I did yesterday night before I went to bed. I looked at myself in the mirror,  I smiled, put a few flower pins into my hair, and walked out to the dining room. I grabbed a small thing of yogurt and a plastic spoon and began to walk to school. My school didn't have any uniforms, and our dress code isn't that strict. I'm really happy about that since I've heard horror story's about girls getting sent home because they were wearing leggings. I don't agree with that logic.

   I pulled out my phone to check the time. I have thirty-five minutes until school starts. It only takes about ten minutes to go from my house to the school, so I decided to stop at a small convenient store and grab some chocolate milk. I pulled out two bottles and brought them up to the check out. I pulled out 540 Yen.

   The store worker handed back my chocolate milk, and I put them in my backpack. I quickly made my way to the school. I stopped outside the doors, threw away my yogurt cup, and pulled it open. Barely anyone else was in the school, and I only saw some teachers. I walked to my classroom and sat in my seat. I was in the first row, directly in the middle.

   I grabbed my notebook from my bag and started to write some of the notes that were already on the board. Once I finished writing the notes I checked my phone again. Twenty minutes until class starts. I pulled out one of the milks and began to drink it. The teacher walked in and kind of chuckled.

   "Hi Mrs.(Y/L/N), how are you doing today?" She asked. I sat my chocolate milk down and screwed the lid back on.

   "I'm good Mrs. Watanabe, how are you?" I asked and pulled out the second chocolate milk from my bag. I stood from my seat and handed her the second milk.

   "I'm doing well. Thank you for the milk." She responded and handed me the homework assignment for today. I looked up at the board to see if any answers were written up there. The first couple were, and the rest were from what we learned in the last couple of days. I wrote the answers and walked to the turn in basket.

   I sat back in my seat and looked up to the clock. Seven minutes. I watched as the other students began to walk in the class and sit in their seats. My friend, Elli, pulled out her chair and sat next to me. She pulled her notebook out and waited for the class to begin.

   As Mrs. Watanabe began to teach the class I put a earbud in one ear, listening to my music. I was still listening to her as she was teaching, but I didn't have to write anything else down. Once she finished what she was teaching for the day she asked us what high schools we all wanted to go to. One strange thing about our school was that we didn't go to any hero schools since none of us have quirks. We were told that we had to decide which high school we would like to attempt to make it into by tomorrow.

Me and Elli grabbed our backpacks and walked to our algebra class. Mr. Nakamura wasn't giving us any work since school was going to end, and we already finished our exams. He let us all play on our phones and stuff like that. One of my really good friends, Haru, grabbed my phone and started taking pictures with me. I laughed as he rapped his right arm around my shoulders to keep me in frame of the picture. I pulled my phone from his grip and pushed him back to his seat.

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