Chapter 5

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     This chapter is dedicated to I-am_trash ! They have voted and commented on almost every chapter and their comments make me super happy. Their supporting words lift me up and inspire me to write more. For a beginning author like me that is really important to me. So thank you!!!
     I also apologize for the really late chapter! I know I made you guys wait but I’m having a little bit of writer's block.

     Dad, Hawks, and I all get into the car with Hawks in front of me with the weird wheel and Dad next to him. I look outside as we pass many different things and people. We make it to an area where there are many groups of people and a lot of different places with things in the windows. My eyes light up as I stare amazed outside the window.

     “Did your father ever take you out here, Izuku?” Dad says as he looks up into the mirror. 

     No father not. What this place? I ask bewildered. I look around with an orange tint of curiosity.

     “This is the shopping district, Izuku. This is where we will get your clothes, supplies, and anything you can’t get in a convenient store,” Dad says. I light up a bright yellow, excited to come here more often.

     “I’m going to park close to the first store we will be going to and then we will walk around to the other stores. Since I am still in hero costume we might get swarmed so Shouta keeps a tight hold on Izuku,” Hawks says as the car comes to a stop. Hawks looked back at me, turning in his seat. “We will find a store that specializes in clothes for people with wings. We will also visit stores with fire proof cloth and a few other things, ok? You will have some heavy duty clothes. We don’t want you hurting yourself now do we?”

     I fine. No need. I got these no need more! I try and reason with them.

     “You need more than one set of clothes, little nugget,” Hawks says as he ruffles my hair. “Ow!”

     I look at him in worry and see that there was a small cut in his glove. I start to breathe heavily and curl up into a ball expecting punishment. I hang my head and await to be hit.

     “What happened?” Dad asks and I hear shuffling.

     “Something on his head cut my glove and poked my hand. It's nothing big. Is he okay?” I hear Hawks say and I flinch. I curl into a fetal position and wrap myself into my wings. I hear the car door open and then the door I was resting on opens and I fall, the seatbelt catching me along with a pair of calloused hands.

     I slightly peek out of one eye to see what they were doing and see Hawks and Dad crowding around me. I grow rigid and I feel Dad’s grip tighten on me.

     “What’s wrong, Izuku?” Dad asks as the seatbelt clicks and slides off of my body allowing me to fall into Dad's grip. I peek out again and see they had concerned faces. I take in a shaky breath before moving my hands together to start signing.

     I you hurt horn. Hurt I. Punish. Cut. Blood. Glove. I hurt. I hurt you horn. I. I stopped as I began shaking and my eyes darted around looking for a corner to hide in.

     “I am fine, lil’ nug. See look, I’m not even bleeding,” Hawks says and shows me his hand. I shakily grabbed it and saw that my horn had sliced his hand but he wasn’t bleeding. I glow a white color and heal the small incision I had placed in his hand due to my horn and felt a little relieved. I was still freaking out but my breathing had softened and soft slow tears were flowing down my face. “I’m not going to punish you. You don’t need any of that. You are still so young and have so much to learn. You have no reason to be hurt. Stand up, c'mon we have shopping to do!”

     I nod and we all stand up. Both heroes hold one of my hands whilst standing on either side of me. Occasionally I would fly, holding on to their hands so I don’t stray too far. We bought clothes, some weird sweet things called candy, and a few things they said would protect me and help me. We were surrounded by people all day so I was almost constantly behind one of the two all day, until we heard a huge crash. An annoying ringing rang throughout a store nearby and people were running. I was scared and it showed as I glowed a dark black color. I was shivering like a leaf as I clutched onto Shouta’s sleeve and Hawks’ gloved hand.

     “I’ve got to go lil’ nugget! You get to see a hero in action today! You wanna see me save people?” Hawks asks as he kneels down to my level, looking me in the eyes. I shakily nod my head yes, my eyes sparkle and shine dully as I look up at him. He then comes closer to my face and his breath is on my ear. “You want to help?”

     “Hawks-,” Dad starts but then I nod my head quickly saying yes before he could continue.

     “Well let’s go lil’ nug! We got a villain to catch and people to save!” He grabs my hand as he runs over to the area of concern. There was a person with a quirk that could change their limbs into animal parts. “Now, nug I need you to go and evacuate the people. Can you do that?”

      I nod and start flying over the crowd spreading feathers over them in a light shower. One by one they stop struggling and screaming and turn to walk out. They start walking away and many of them hide in a safe nearby area while others continue to walk away to safe distances. I look over and see that the man was trying to run away. I summon a bit of flames and create a cage around him. I fly above him and sprinkle my feathers on him and he starts to fall asleep. Red feathers flutter all around him and surround him in a sphere of red soft feathers. He is transported over to a nearby police officer and handcuffed. I then hear someone calling out from underneath me. I look below me and see a female officer with webbed hands. I fly down and land in front of her with a confused look.

     “Young man you do realize that was illegal quirk use. Where are your parents or guardians? Who are you with?” She asks as she leans down to look me in the eye.
I point over to Hawks and then see Dad jogging over.

     “Izuku! What if you got hurt mister? We are going to have a talk as well Hawks. He is only 6 years old and he’s already taken down a villain,” Dad says with a stern voice and I start to curl into myself.

     “Exactly! He’s taking down bad guys at 6! You should be proud!” Hawks say happily as he grabs me in his arms. “Don’t worry you did a good job, lil’ nugget! You took him all down by yourself! I didn’t even have to help much!”

     “Hawks, I understand that you gave him permission to use his quirk but he needs to get a permit and/or a license. He is only 6 and shouldn’t be fighting crime. From what I’ve heard he’s only just been taken from a place where he wasn’t safe. He doesn’t need to be thrown into more danger just yet. I understand that taking down villains at 6 is commendable but it is not germane,” she says as she crosses her arms looking up slightly at him. 

     “Officer I understand but this lil’ nuggie here needed some stretching exercise. He’s been cooped up in the house like a chicken in a coop! He needs some fresh air in those wings!” he says as he lifts my wings up with a few feathers. I look at them and a slight smile appears on my face. The feathers come up to my face and I grab one.

~1406 words~

OH MY GAWD SOMEONE HELP!!! Im running out of ideas!!! I want it to go slow and Izuku to be comfertable buttt jeeezeee itsss soooo hardddd. Repsect to all the authours out there🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️. If anyone has suggestions or udeas feel free to comment! I will be taking ideas throught this story until the end! I will try my best to incorperate them in!

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