Pain And Memories

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A/N I'm planning to make another story—


Me: Okay, Okay! Sheesh! I'll get to it

Gia: G O O D

Me: Also... Special Appearance: our fav blueberry!

Gia: Yay! We all love our Jedi blueberry!


"...and when Master Anakin reactivated me, Mistress Padme was already gone!" Threepio reported.

"And you say that the stranger had golden eyes?" Mace questioned as he and Obi-Wan interrogated the protocol droid while the others searched the apartment for any clues.

"Yes, and I was shocked that he managed to push me and deactivate me without even touching me," Threepio answered.

"Definitely the use of the Force..." Obi-Wan muttered.

"I can feel darkness here," Ahsoka shuddered.

"Familiar darkness," Anakin confirmed with a nod then he turned to the hybrid beside him, who had his eyes closed and an arm stretched out. "How about you, Elvis?"

"I... He was here," Elvis opened his eyes and bit his bottom lip. "Kameon was here. I can still feel the essence of his dark Force Signature,"

"So Darth Kameon DID kidnap the senator," Obi-Wan concluded. "But where could he have taken her? And why?"

"He most likely took her to Dooku," Anakin growled.

"But why?" Ahsoka asked. "Why does Dooku need her?"

"To trick Skywalker into falling," Elvis replied.

"And how do you know that?" Mace raised an eyebrow at the boy.

"Does Dooku know of our marriage?" Anakin added.

"No," Elvis chuckled. "but Kameon does,"

"How?" Ahsoka's eyebrows furrowed.

"In my time, not everyone knows Anakin's real fate," Elvis explained. "When Kameon was still Heron, he and I were obsessed with learning about the past. He was only 9 and I was only 7 when we hacked into the Imperial systems and found out everything that happened in the Republic and everything that Skywalker hid from the Jedi Order. We also had Uncle Rex and Aunt Ahsoka tell us about Anakin's mishaps,"

"Thank the Force Kameon doesn't know who I REALLY love then," Anakin sighed in relief.

"Oh, he does," Elvis grinned at the horrified expression that suddenly came to the Jedi Knight's face. "He just doesn't take that as an advantage. Many reasons why, neither of them I'm really sure,"

"At least we know why Dooku would tell Kameon to kidnap Senator Amidala," Obi-Wan frowned. "but we still don't know where they could have taken her,"

"Maybe Dooku's lair? Wherever it may be..." Anakin shrugged.

'I can always use the Force bond between me and Heron.' Elvis thought to himself. 'Well, IF it's still open. I... I haven't opened it in a while... but... it may not even be there anymore...'

He looked over to see the clones clearing the mess and the Jedi talking among themselves. He took the opportunity to sneak out of the window and climb onto the rooftop. He took a deep breath and stepped forward, closing his eyes and raising his hand up.

['Heron... Heron...'] he traveled through the Force, grasping at the fading essence of the now-Sith Apprentice. ['Heron... I know you're out there...']

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